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3 months later
Hope pov:

I was woke up by Cameron shouting. "hope get up its,my birthday". I groaned getting out of bed. I got dressed pic at start. Did my hair and walked downstairs. Yes we're still living without are dad we thought it was for the best especially with what happened.

I was walking to dad's house with the boys and Courtney . We were going to have dinner. I knocked on the door. "hey Michael" i said. "hey hope" he replied. We walked in. "oh you brought the boys" dad said. "ya why not there our family" me and cam said. He shook his head. Hayes came over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

During dinner dad was dropping hints about Michael. "did ya know Michael plays basketball and lacrosse he would be a wonderful boyfriend " he said. I blew he was saying hayes isn't a wonderful boyfriend which he is. "DAD SHUT THE HELL UP I LOVE HAYES ok" i shouted at him. "IF YOU LOVE HAYES SO MUCH THEN GET OUT OF THIS house" he shouted back. I stood shocked. Michael came over to me and gave me a hug. James then stood up "dad shut up hayes is great I've learnt". "dad if your not happy with hayes then me and hope aren't moving in with you" cam said. "fine" dad said. We left.

End of flashback

Ya were family bit we don't go around a lot anymore. James holly and Michael come to us. "hey cam" i said. "hey hope hayes and nash will be here in a few" he said. I decided I will make pancakes.

When I finished cooking them. The doorbell went off. I opened the door to someone I didn't know. Next thing I knew was i got a brick over the head. I fell to the ground.

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