Neko Neko!-Grumbo-

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(Started on-July 24 2019 at 12:48am)
(Published on-July 24 2019 at 2:40am)
(Word count-810)
(Edited on-July 24 2019 at 10:45pm)
(Word count-846)
(Drawing time-1:2:23)

Neko in Japanese means cat/ human with cat like features(tails, ears, etc)

Here Mumbo is a necko and Grain is Human.

Warning(s)-I'm not totally sure if there is any :/ if so the plz tell me :D

(A lil something I made Because of this lil story ÙwÚ)(Plz credit me before u repost :3) (Tumbler-@/Sleeping-Sheepy) -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-

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(A lil something I made Because of this lil story ÙwÚ)
(Plz credit me before u repost :3)

"Mumbo?" Grain asked slowly peering over a wall of cobblestone built in a rush by Mumbo "you aright?"

"Yep!" Mumbo said in a panicked rushed "perfectly fine! No need to come and look!" He shouted while shoving more cobblestone in Grians face

Grian stopped trying to push through the stone and stood there scratching his head confused at his friend sudden change in behavior.

"If something wrong Mumbo you can tell me?" Grian said confused tapping against the stone, he could just pull out his pickaxe and mine down the wall but if Mumbo was so abrupt and wanted to hide he felt like he shouldn't push it "you can trust me"

"I know" Mumbo moaned slightly annoyed at the true fact Grian had said.

"Then tell me?" He said resting his hand against the cold stone "you trust me after all"

After a sigh of annoyance he heard Mumbo start to take down his wall of cobblestone, he watched in anticipation as he saw the block in front of him slowly being mined, the cracks of the black lines began to cover the block of stone before it stopped and Mumbo's voice boomed

"You must swear that you'll not tell another living soul about this!" He demanded

Grain laugh slightly confused "uh-yeah sure thing buddy, my lips are sealed" he imitated him zipping his lips shut and locking it shut and then through the keys away though it was pointless as Mumbai couldn't see it.

Mumbo sighed again and began to dig at the last block, after a quick pop and the stone being chucked into Grains face he was met with a red faced, short ears, mustache wearing Mumbo, his arms crossed and his eyes diverted to the ground.

"Oh my god" Grain said in shock at his fluffy friend "Mumbo you-you're a-"

"Will you quiet down!" He hissed grabbing Grain by his red shirt and pulled him into the cobble stone hut he made in his rush to hide, he pulled Grian all the way back and began to build up his hut again, Grian stood there shocked by his friends appearance and couldn't get over the little stubs for ears and a tail.

With the last block of cobble stone being placed the light disappeared leaving the two alone in the totally darkness till Mumbo pulled out a torch and glared at the blonde hair man.

"Yes I'm a cat get over it!" He whispered yelled pointing the torch towards himself illuminating his flushed red face.

"Wh-how?!" Grain asked trying to hold back the awe in his voice, his hands reached out to touch Mumbo's ears but Mumbo slapped them out of the way

"I dunno and no touchy!" He hissed pointing at Grain.

"That's gonna be hard then!" Grain laughed before being shushed by Mumbo who put his hand over his mouth

"Will you be quiet, I don't wanna attract the attention of Iskall!" He whispered yelled again, Grain nodded his head and with that Mumbo let go of his face "and before you ask, no I'm not like a werewolf, this happens randomly" he sighed closing his eyes.

Grian held back a small squeal as his hand started to raise up to the short stubs on top of Mumbo's head, his eye shot wide open making Grain jump back against the wall, Mumbo hissed at him scared by Grains hand and jumped back to

"Dammit Grian I said no touching!" He full on yelled at his friend before freezing in place as he remember that Iskall was no less then 20+ blocks away.

"Alright alright sorry" Grain laughed awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck "just can't contain myself!"

Mumbo gave the boy a dead glare as he contemplated his next action.

"I mean look at those ridiculously cute short ears, I'd bet there really soft and shirt to! And your tail is so short which is funny see-"

"Fine" Mumbo sighed relaxing his shoulder making them drop and he lowered his head.

He heard a small squeal from Grian before he felt Grians hands begin to stroke his ears which sent him off on a string of purring, his face, already red, went full tomato red and Grain stopped and tried his best not to melt right there at the exact moment.

"I'm a cat what else did you expect..." Mumbo mumbled annoyed, not at Grian, but at his purring, he couldn't get it to stop and Grain could only laugh.

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