Love Blues-Stressskall[Vent :/]

604 9 2

(Started on July 30 at 8:34pm)
(Published on August 1 at 5:21am)
(Word count-866)


He always talks about me.

His amazing my builds are.

How helpful I am.

He always talks about me.

But never face to face.

When ever I'm around he stops.

I don't want him to.

I enjoy it.

It brings a smile to my face.

But it hurts when he doesn't say it to my face.

I'm sure it would mean so much more if he said it to me.

Oh I can see what little of his face that isn't covered in his beard trying beat red.

I can hear his words stumbling over one another as his voice changing pitch's.

I can hear myself practically holding back my giggle as he goes on his rants trying to avoid why he was talking about me.

I would just stand there.

Hands holding each other behind my back.

Smiling innocently.

Acting all cool on the outside.

But internally freaking out.

It's happened so many times to him, I'm starting to feel sorry for the poor dude.

I'd get it done and over with, trust me I would.

But it's always never that easy.

I know.

I know that he knows.

I know that he knows that I know.

We both know.

But we both aren't ready.

To say the least.

It's all fun and cute now.

But what will happen later done the road.

When the hills start to rise.

And the road crumbles.

Will we hate each other.

Will we still be friends.

What will the others think?

Someone like him.

And someone like me.

Two sides it the coin.

But there's the lining between the two sides if the coin.

The silver lining.

Maybe that would be enough.

Maybe I can get this over with.

Maybe I'll mess everything up.

Who knows?

Guess I've just gotta do it.


Imma say this was more or less a vent, some of the things in here are actually what is happing to me.

Here's the story i guess.

So I would have never thought about likening let alone dating this one boy in my scout troop since I was trying to convince myself I liked another dude because he was giving off very clear hints and that the feelings I was getting for him were friendly feelings, but two camp outs ago I started to accept that the feelings I had were more then 'friendly' feelings-they to say the least love feeling- and just three weeks ago I had a week long summer camp thing and me and this guy being the two older kids that went ended up being around each alot(same situation for the camp out form above) and you now shit happens, we start to get more comfortable around each and all of that, we both consider one another relatively good friends-"but Osha what's the big deal?!" You May ask well you see-


At school(the guy sits no less then 10 feet away form me and my 1 other friend at lunch •~•) he's all quiet and mute, lifeless and emotionless whilst I'm all loud and talkative(fun thing we actually got into a mini fight because I wouldn't stop talking, I was phckin nervous as all he'll because this was the first time I've ever skipped a meeting), I love to rough house with some the other kids and play football(American) and play catch while he sits on his phone all lunch and occasionally looked up to see what's going on around him.

Problem number 1

Number two-
He's a senior and I'm a junior :/
No big deal right? You'll still get to see him at meetings right?


The guys gonna be hitting eagle sometime soon and I pray that he's going to stay as a assistant leader(plz plz plz plz plz) and if he doesn't hit Eagle he'll be Turing 18 soon and he'll have to leave :/

Problem number 3
I've had shit luck with relationships like they always end badly and such and this guys NEVER DATED ANYONE...yeah...I'm phckin terrified that if we do start going out and then we break up or something I'll hurt him really badly and he'll never want to date again and I don't want to do that to him he chase I would hate myself for the rest of my life mowing I ruined someone chance at happiness for a long time possibly forever!!!!!

Here's a good thing tho-
If you've been reading the entire thing(thanks for reading my issues) you'll remember I said he was lifeless and such-well at camp very own noticed how he was acting different like he was more talkative and he showed a lot more emotions. When I'd get picked one he try and cheer me up and did something he's never before, he scared someone, like hide scarring,me and my brother had the living day lights scared out of us but still he did a lot more shot then he normal ever do, so yeah!


Thanks for coming to my ted talk :)

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