I'm Here To Save You-TangPluse-Grumbo-(Part 2)

590 11 2

(Started on-July 28 2019 at 9:54pm)
(Published on-August 19 2019 at 9:25pm)
(Word count-2558)

Ships-Tangpluse and Grumbo

Two ships in one!

Warnings-mild cussing.

Not as long as the other one sorry :/


Impulse still found it hard to believe that someone like Grian had depression, the guy that always found light in the toughest of situations was the one to go home and hide in the dark, the guy how made others days brighter was the one who's day was darker.

But this new informations left Impulse with a couple of questions.

"If...if you and Tango have these curses-" Impulse broke the silence between the two, the two had yet to move for an hour letting them self's heal and rest "do the others have them to?" He aksed blankly staring off into the dark floor below him that lingered with mobs.

"Yes" Grian said with sorry "everyone does..."

"Do you know what mine is?" Impulse aksed fearing for Grians answer

"No" he said slightly confused "I'm not you, I don't know what your most powerful emotion is" he chuckled with some slight hints of reassurance

"Most powerful" Impulse repeated to himself, his stomach still twisted itself as he thought more and more about his situation "ditto" he shrugged with a soft smile but behind that smile hide the dark truth that the bright lie hide, he knew what he emotion was and he didn't want to tell Grian it.

"I hope it's something good" Grian replied turning his head to face Impulse, a soft but bright smile lined Grians face, his eye were shut helping to make his appearance seem more truthful "someone like you doesn't deserve something as bad as mines or Tangos"

Impulse went stiff and he bite his lip Turing his head-'am I'm really going to do this?'-he asked himself with anger.

"Impulse?" Grian asked confused by his friend sudden change.

"Yeah?" He forced a smile into his face and he turned to look back at his friend worried face "I'm fine, just this are a little over whelming at the moment" Impulse shot out breaking his forced smile.

"It's gonna be alright" Grian said standing up "all of this will be over soon" he said starching his arms up towards the ceiling.

"Yeah, yeah it is" Impulse followed after him


"I've always wonder?" Tango asked teasingly tapping his chin with his finger "what is your curse?" He looked out of the Star-Teams base eyeing Grian and Impulse as they wonder close to the blue glass. he already knew the answer but enjoyed the sight of Mumbo refusing to say his curse.

"You already know it so why keep asking?" Mumbo asked with an annoyed glaring to the demonic like man who stood 15 blocks away form him.

"Your little lover is depression right? Interesting" Tango hummed turning on his heels to look at the roughed up man who's hands were tied down to the wall, he took a seat on top of a random block an eyed Mumbo.

Mumbos face went flat and pale, his mind tried to figure out how he found out Grians curse and what he planned to do with it.

"bet you feel like complete shit because you can't help him" he spoke out suddenly, he raised his eyebrows with a faked shocked look "it probably rages your curse, you're probably unaware of it to! Oh how much power you get after ever attempt to make your lover smile fails so badly"

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