Sick Day-GrianMonster

664 10 1

(Started on-August 19 2019 at 9:28pm)
(Finished on August 25 at 9:12)
(Word count-708)

Ship-Grain x Stress Monster.
(Btw, I see this ship more as a mother and child type of relationship :\ so Stress is like the Mother figure to Grian)
(Also tbh I haven't watched any of Stress's vids so I have no idea how she acts/talks, so yeah don't hate me...)

Requested by- @thatoneguywhoexists

Warning-I dunno.


Grian groaned as he hovered his hand over eyes trying to block out the intense light coming from the winter sun shine, his head pounded and aches and his nose was stuffy, he felt like the definition of crap any and every time he attempted to move.

'I really shouldn't have gone out to the swamp...' he groaned pulling out the pillow form under his head and coving his face with it 'phckin witch's...' he cursed as he slightly lifted his pillow up to allow for him to breathe.

All he could think about was how much he hated witches and how much he wanted to die, he didn't bother to think about his day with the other hermits or how they would react with him not being around.

He turned to his right side and groaned, he watched a chicken causally walk by him, stopped to flap its wings at him before zooming off as a loud blast of a free work filled his room followed by a short shoot of pain and the sound of a body hitting his floor. He let out a very long groan as he turned to his left side to see who had ever so graceful entire his base.

He was surprised to see Stress picking herself up and dusting her body off before looking at Grian with a play and annoyed look.

"There you are sleepy head!" Stress smiled before her face twisted into a confused look "you alright buddy? You look pretty rough!" She walked over to him and looked down at him with a soft, sympathetic smile.

"I hate witches" Grian said flatly looking up at her, she let out a small smile and chuckle before taking a seat next to him, he moved his body slightly back to allow for her to have more room.

"Oh darling" Stress sighed playful "told you and Mumbo not to run into any witches and if you do get away from them but good ol'Mumbo wanted a which farm" she facepalmed "here" she pulled out her inventory and pulled out a bucket of milk "drink this, it will help you" she didn't know wether to give him the drink or to slowly pour it from him to drink it, her question was answered when he slowly and slightly painful pulled him self to sit up and took the bucket from her.

He took one sip before setting it down and giving her a puppy eyed look, he didn't even have to say anything and Stress already knew what was going on.

"Yes Grian, all of it" she sighed shaking her head slightly, Grian let out a sad sigh before he started taking more sips.

"See all better!" Stress cheered taking the empty bucket from him.

"I dunno" Grian shrugged looking at his arms and the rest of his body "I still feel like crap"

Stress looked at him with dead eyes and a scrunched up mouth "okay idiot, you get what I mean" she rolled her eyes and smiled as she heard Grian let out a few soft chuckles.

"I'll tell the others about you being a dummy and check on Mumbo and see if he's doing alright to" Stress stood up and pulled out her inventory in place a bucket in there, she closed it and turned to Grian "just stay in bed, I'll check on you through out the day" she gave him a smile before patting his messy bed hair despite Grian little protest with him moving his head away, he glared at her as she waved bye.

"Witch" he mumbled before Turing over to his other side and was greeted yet again with the sight of the same chicken standing right by his bed, staring at him with its blank black eyes.

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