Broken Wings-Grumbo-Sad

887 20 8

(Started on August 3rd at 4:06am)
(Finished on August 7th at 9:16pm)
(Word count-340)

Angst???? I think???? I dunno.

Warnings-slight gore and blood and that's pretty much it :/


I wasn't fast enough.

I wasn't there to catch him.

I wasn't able to grab his hand.

I wasn't able to save him.

I can't forget the sight I saw below me.

The pool of blood expanding quickly around his sprawled our body.

His white wings.

Redden with his blood.

The small twitches they escaped his body.

His raspy gaggles for air.

The tears leaking form his eyes.

And the blood coming form everywhere.

His limb's twisted and positioned so.


His wings bent the same.

His small chest barely lifting up.

And his dull eyes

Branches and sticks linger everywhere.

Some stuck within him

And some cutting the sides of his body.

Some holding slivers of cloth

And some holding slivers of flesh.

I can only imagine his pain.

And the terrifying sight of a back figure descending upon his body.

It's large black, hellish like wings blocking the light.

I probably looked like a omen of death.

Coming to take his soul.

When in reality.

I was his lover.

Coming to save him.

It must of been a horrid sight.


The last thing you'd see.

Instead of the worried eyed lover.

I prayed he'd be alright.

I prayed that I was just dreaming all of this up.

No way was he laying in a pool of his own blood!

But even I knew.

It was to late.

I snapped out of that idea

When my feet touched the ground.

And knees gave in.

Landing in his blood.

His body had already began to dissipate.

Small flakes of light shards of blue called away at his body.

Small and large hexagonal flakes drifting up to the shinning sky, not a single cloud to be seen.

I knew it wouldn't be long till I saw him again.

But I wasn't fast enough.

I didn't catch his hand.

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