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Hey, Um, yeah sorry...I'm back 😅

Towards the end of season 6 I lost interest due to the everything just getting kinda weird for me? I can't really explain it all but I am good news I am putting in so much more effort this season in watching everyone vids and keep up with everything going on, such as keeping up with the live streams, watching Hermitcraft ReCap, and following the reddit HermitChat sub (fun enough I actual wanted to find something that shows all the hermits chats and I'm beyond happy to have found this)

Expect a Change of title and cover to be more fitting for the change, since this book is going to stay for the rest of the season to come :D

As always request are open! Ask away, if I get stuff wrong then plz correct me.

Except more updates to come as hole flip-MUMBO NEEDS TO SEND GRIAN A MESSAGE OR SOMETHING, HES SO SAD.

(I'll be putting a thing in all chapters the involve season 6 settings to say as such so no one get confused) 

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