
666 13 6

"I don't wanna die-not like this...not by you" Impulse said between small gasps for air and teary eyes, his eyes trailed up to the face of his friend who stood what seemed like countless blocks away from him holding a godly diamond sword in his left hand and a tattered wooden shield in his right hand. There eyes were blackened with a faint tint of red around the edges with little dark crimson slits running down the center of their black eyes, it's face was flat and emotionless and large crimson red devilish horns stuck out the sides of its head, there golden hair fluffy, stained and tainted with dirt and blood.

Impulse looked to his left and stared in disbelief at the sight next to him and at that moment the world began to slow down and quiet, a soft dull buzz erupted in his ears as he stared at his own sword-snapped in half- he remember the spine chilling moment it happened, the dead look in his eye as he carelessly picked up his sword, ignoring the sharpness v and the many other demigod enchantments on it and the large cut it gave to the palms of his hands and with out a second thought he just snapped it in front of Impulses very own eyes followed by him throwing back Impulse down the hill he was standing on only to turn around and careless shoving its sword into a zombie, slicing it in half with no effort.

He looked to his right and felt his world begun to spin and go more slow and stared wide-eyed and petrify at the sight of his own friends scattered around the destroyed and demented battlefield.

Old shops that once held some peace calamity to them were destroyed and broken with bits and pieces of its wall and interayer scattered around them, fallen walls started not to far form their original placement but stairs and slabs blew them selfs away and lauded further away.

Impulses eyes began to focuses on the faint red blurry image of a friend, his heart sank once he recognized how it was.

Grian holding his left side while laying against a fallen pillar oak planks, Impulse saw some more movement, another blur but soon many other bouts began to appear making Impulse realize how many of his friends were suffering, the blue he noticed happened to be Cub, laying on his stomach and face to the dirt, his broken sword just out of reach to his left hand with Stress not to far away laying on her back, her sword extruding from the ground, Mumbo slowly limping his way to the shelter of a tree dragging his sword along side him, half of Xisuma body laying in a pool of muddy water and his head resting on a block of dirt, False was holding up Biffa as the two attempted to run away from a couple of zombies, Jessen and Cleo were having a shoot off with a couple of skeletons that had trapped them, Scar, Doc, and Iskall were on the far end doing badly being swarmed by a random mixer of mobs, Jevin had collapsed at that moment from a arrow too the back of his leg, but the worst sight of them all was seeing the various sizes of glowing blue flakes drifting up to the cloudy sky.

The world began to fasten around him and glared at him, his once calf face held a smug and winning look, Impulse wanted to burst out with anger and yell at him for what he was doing and how much he was enjoying it but he knew it wouldn't change anything-it would only worsen the situation around them.

"why" Impulse asked taking a deep gulp "what happened" his eyes began to tear up and he felt a limp form in his throat as he stared at his friend, they said nothing but only looked down at him and watch him sit on the ground helpless "who o-or what caused you t-to snapped" Impulse asked biting his tongue.


Impulse went stiff as he watched his friend slowly begin to raise their sword at him, their eyes narrowed at him and it took one step towards him causing Impulse to slightly crawl back, he wanted to keep a good distance between him and him. his eyes widen at its response and how glitch and contorted its voice was, it sounded like static was pouring from it mouth when every it had open-it reminded him of the time when Grian cracked and let his curse take over his body and mind.

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