Broken Eye-IskVoid

542 14 1

(Started on September 2d at 9:13pm)
(Finished on September 2d at 10:10pm)
(Words count-660)

Ship-Iskall x Xisuma

Requested by-@Frokkie21
(Sorry if it's sucks :/)


"Iskall!" X said surprised at the appearance of his old friend who sat red faced, his brushy brown hair looked as if it was pulled down to cover his robotic eyes "What in gods name are you doing here!?" He asked with a light chuckle and a hint of confusion as he eyed Iskalls cover eye. He held a open book by his chest and a quill to the half filled page of the book.

" know...creepers" Iskall stammered looking around bleak and bland room that was the hermitland hospital, a simple 5x10x5 room it's wall were white concrete with one single two block by two block window sitting in front of him, a potted poppy stood to the left to it with a crafting table to its right. At the end of the room laid a white bed and another potted poppy perched in the left corner and a lecture by the door other then that there was nothing else in the room. 

"Creepers huh?" X said with a raised brow "what happened?" He stood a block away for Iskall who still didn't dare to look at X, his face was still red from embarrassment of why he was even here and how he got here.

"Well you" he started with a sheepish smile "I need some diamonds and with this place being almost cleaned out of them I had to pick a different area to mine in" he gave a quick glance to X who was shaking his head already understanding what had happened "and me being me didn't have any torches and it was night time" he stopped when X let out a laughing sigh

"Alright so what's the damage? You Obviously weren't killed" he titled his head looking Iskall up and down. He was actual quiet surprised at how little damage he held, those few scratches and cuts but no massive bleeding or deep wounds.

"It's my eye" he mumbled while brushing his hair out of the way of his robotic eyes, the light baby blue glass was completely shattered and covered in cracks of various sizes, a long crack ran Arvid's his eye and had a split form 3/4s of the way towards the top right of his eyes with a missing chunk of glass, exposed wires showed to be fine with mine scratches but nothing life threatening.

"Well damn!" X let of a shocked chuckled closing his book and setting it down on top of the crafting table and putting the quill on top of it, he approached Iskall with a hand reaching for his face before retracting with a slightly worried and nervous look.

He was waiting for Iskall to give the head nodded of approval or say something, he stood confused for a defined before letting out a quick gasp and shaking his head and with X continue.

"Can't believe it's was just only the glass!" He chuckled touching the side of Iskalls head where the metal clip was, he admired it with a glade and calm face "just need a new piece and you should be fine" he pulled away.

Iskall didn't say anything but his face went redder, he bite the inside of his mouth and felt his mind shut down.

"Iskall?" X asked confused "you alright?"

Iskall let out a nervous sigh "I...I've never had to change out the glass and I'm afraid I'll mess up and hurt myself even moreandIwaswonderingifyoucoulddoitbecuaseimtoterrofiedtodoit" he rambled rubbing the back of his neck

X took a moment to process what he had just said, giving Iskall the most confused he's ever given before before it had hit him what he had said.

"Oh I totally understand your terror" he chuckled "sure I'd love to help!"

Iskall gave him a thankful smile.

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