Let Go-GoodTimesFan(Angest)

622 12 1

(Started one August 23 2019 at 10:43pm)
(Finished on-August 25 at 9:34pm)
(Word count-1892)


Warnings-slight gore, depression, self-harm,  cursing.


"You know I lo-love you right" Scar choked on his tears as held his badly damaged iron sword to Cub's throat, Cubs hand gripping around Scars wrist trying to push his hand away form him.

"Yeah...I do..." Cub replied with regret as with one final push, he pushed Scar away from him, forcing him back a couple of blocks away from him "but why does it even matter now" Cub dropped his shoulders and tears began to line the bottom lid of his eyes.

Scar looked at Cub with shocked wide eyes "We don't have to fight-" Scar said dropping his sword "w-we can leave! Right now, you and me-we can finally have that happy ending we've always wanted" Scar said with pleading eyes hoping for the answer he wanted to hear and he placed his hand on his heart hoping to deepen the meaning of his words "just you and me"

Cub took a step back, his face contorted and twisted with different shades of emotions, anger-jealousy-announce-sadness-confusion, they all flashed on his face as his eyes darted around their surroundings, distance gray plums of smoke drifted up to the sky and a soft but harsh orange glow dance between the trunks of the oak and birch trees that surrounded the two the sound of flams cracking and whipping grew closer to the two, a deep ravin lingered behind Cub, it's wide open rocky mouth gaping open waiting for its next victim to fall into the black void at the bottom of its mouth, a steam of lave flowed 14 blocks to Cubs left illuminating the stone floor lingering with cola and iron ore here and there, his eyes diverted back up to Scar and a shout of Scar erupted from with in the forest, his head turned to face the direction of the shout.

"Please" Scar pleaded whip Turing his head back to face Cub after hearing his name, the soft yellow-orange glow of the setting sun blushed his dirty face "it's now or never" Scar attempted to take one step towards Cub but Cub took one more step back leaving no more space for him.

Cubs eyes when dull as his face rested into its final emotion.

"It's not wroth it"

He mumbled while looking down at the sleeves of his coat, the once white cloth was now stained with the blood of his old friends, cuts and slashes and Rios and tears all littered his clothing and his hands held a fair amount of wounds and blood to them to.

"I'd be only dragging you down to hell with me"

"Cub please" Scar flinched as an arrow darted past by his head and grazed Cubs shoulder, he didn't flinch or move, he only stood there looking down at his arms with regret slowly building up as the screams and shouts of pain from his friends began to fill his ears and flood his mind, their pleads to live crashed and played against one another fighting for who's words would sting the most, would it be Mumbos yelled of heartbreak as Cub slowly see his sword into Grians chest? Would it be the blood-choking last few breathes escaping Iskall as he held Falses lifeless body in his arm with an arrow through his back? Or would it be his very own lover having to fight for his life with him?

"Scar what are you doing!" Mumbo shouted beyond pissed, his knuckles grew whiter with each second he stared at Cub, his grip around his diamond sword growing stronger as his anger grew worse "KILL THE BASTARD!" Mumbo snapped with rage dancing in his eyes and tears running down his blood and dirt splattered face, Mumbo gave a dirty to look to Tango as he weakly rested his hand on Mumbos tensed shoulder , his red eyes weak by sympathetic as to the lost of Grian, Mumbo growled softly knowing that Tango to had lost Impulse and that Tango was dealing with this a lot better then he was.

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