May 30, 2019
Em wakes up to the sound of noise in the kitchen. She grabs her phone and sees that it's 6:19 am. She goes to the bathroom and freshens up before going to the kitchen. She sees David finishing up breakfast and he places a plate on the island. She sits down and starts to dig in. He sets a plate for himself down and starts eating.
"Wow 20 weeks today," he sighs, placing a hand on her rapidly growing bump.
"I know! Symptoms for this week are vaginal discharge, leg cramps, heartburn and/or indigestion, high energy, swelling, and shortness of breath," Em replies, reading from her app.
"Wow, I can't believe we find out the sex today at the party," he smiles.
"Me too! I'm giving Ki the envelope right away so she can create the special reveal for the party afterwards," she smiles.
"So we have practice today at 11. The party's gonna be from 4-6. We're all supposed to meet at the Garden at 7 to fly out at 8," he explains to her.
"Did Kiley let you in on that?" she asks.
"No, Charlie did," he replies.
They finish eating and put their dishes in the sink. They go into the room and into the bathroom. David undresses Em before undressing himself. He helps her into the shower first before stepping in. He turns on the water and washes her body as her bump prevents her from bending down. He washes himself up afterwards before turning off the water. He dries her off first before drying himself off.
They walk back into the room and get dressed. Em does her makeup and leaves her hair in its natural waves. They grab their things and leave the condo. They make their way to the garage and get into David's Lexus RX. Em connects her phone to the car to play music. The song Elizabeth by Jose Manuel "El Sultan" comes on and she starts jamming along to the 90s bachata song. They make the 20 minute commute to the clinic and arrive there at 7:51 am. They sign in and wait in the waiting room. They see other pregnant women with their partners, as well as pregnant women by themselves. At 8:02 am, they are called in by a nurse named Jackie. They follow Nurse Jackie into room 2 and she takes Em's measurements, as well as a urine and blood sample. She also checks her vitals before informing her that Dr. Rosario will be with her shortly.
"I'm so nervous babe," Em informs him, sitting on the examination bed.
"Me too, babe. I'm also really excited," he smiles, excited to get an in-depth look at his son or daughter.
Dr. Rosario comes in after 6 minutes and greets them right away.
"Are you two excited to see your baby in detail today?" she asks them.
They both nod and she smiles back in return.
"Well, your vitals all look great. Your weight is where it should be for 20 weeks. Today, I'm gonna measure your bump to make sure your baby is growing at the rate it should be," she explains.
Em lifts up her dress and Dr. Rosario takes a tape measure and measures her bump.
"So the fundal height is 22 centimeters which is normal," she informs them.
Dr. Rosario whips out the ultrasound tech and hooks the machine up. She places the jelly all over Em's bump before placing the wand over it. She moves it around and after a couple seconds, a picture shows up on the screen.
"So your baby now has working taste buds and is now drinking several ounces of amniotic fluid everyday. Today, I'll be showing you the chambers of the heart, the kidneys, the brain hemispheres, basically every part of the baby that's visible, I will be able to show you,: she explains to them.
dancing queen 》david pastrnak [completed]
Kurzgeschichten"Charlie can't find out about us" [social media included] cover by Alli @krisbryants