Chapter I

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I was watching tv when i heard a knock on the door. I looked at the clock and its past 10. Who could that be? i thought. I walked at the door and peeked at the peep hole. It was Harry. I open the door happily

"Harry, what are you doing here at past ten?"i asked letting him in

"I just wanted to check up on you"he says, i raised a brow at him and cross my arms around my chest

"You could just call or text me"he scratch the back of his head and i gave him a satisfied grin and walked towards him

"Well, i want to ask you in person"he reasons and i giggled at his cuteness. Me and harry never broke up or fake it for our sake but we kept it a secret. Being in a secret relationship with him was fun. No one will judge you with your relationship. No medias, no haters, no criticism. Just us and only us. Only our closest friends who knew are relationship never ended. Its been 2 years of people never knowing about us. Its funny that we were in a relationship for 2 and 1/2 years without our fans knowing. I still felt guilty about not telling them about me and harry never ended things but its worth it. We would tell them everything when the time is right. With people not judging us for what we do and what we did in the past cause its already in the past.

"Deep in thought?"harry interrupted my train of thoughts. Smiling up at him, i peck his cheek before mumbling a 'yes'

"What were you thinking?"he asked, grabbing an apple at the basket on the kitchen island and taking a bite

"Its just funny. People never knowing about our relationship and we've been together for 2 and 1/2 years straight now. I still kinda feel guilty to our fans not knowing our relationship. Thats all"i shrugged like its no big deal. He sighs rubbing his temple. I know its hard for the both us. Releasing albums, promoting, going through every radio station, doing interviews.

"But its worth it though"i added. He gave me a small smile

"Yeah, its worth it"he says and wrapped his arms around me

"You know, i'll never let you go easily"he says trailing kisses from my neck to my jawline. I push his head gently away from my neck. He pouted like a little kid making me giggled and kiss his lips quickly before snatching the apple from his hand and taking a bite

"Hey, thats mine"he put his hands on his hips. He looks sexy doing that. I bit my lip and mock him

"Its mine now"i stick my tongue out at him"harry being him did the same. Making us burst out in laughter

"Okay, thats enough"i throw the apple in the bin and walked in the living room. Harry following behind me



I looked at taylor and she was half asleep on my chest. I carried her bridal style and walked up the stairs to her room. Her arms wrapping on my neck lazily. I put taylor down on her bed and took of her flats. I pull the covers to her body and close the light. As I was about to leave. I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turn around and see taylor, eyes still closed

"Stay"i nodded. I took off my shoes, shirt and jeans leaving me with my boxers and slip next to taylor. Her head instantly glued to my chest as i wrapped my arm around her protectively. Taylor was fast asleep while i was wide awake. I played with her hair. A habit of mine.

I was lucky to have taylor in my arms. Having her in my life was the best thing that ever happen to me. Having a secret relationship is hard, sneaking back in the hotel we were staying at, putting up disguises that no one could recognize so we can have a peaceful date out in the public, hanging out with friends so no one would knew about us being together still but it was worth it. Being in relationship that is secret is all worth it. We wouldn't have to deal with critics, hate and death threats from people who hated me with taylor or hated taylor because she dated a lot of boys and use them for a song but thats just how the way she pour out her emotions by writing about it. It doesn't matter if she dated a lot of guys, all that matters now is that we have each other and support each other no matter what obstacle we have to face.

I felt my eyes getting heavy and then i fell into a deep sleep

Hey guys so this is my first haylor fanfic and I hope you like it and i'll apologize in advance if i did something wrong so don't forget to



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❤Love Zoe❤

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