( S1)-Chapter 1

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(Y/n) was mad. Why?? His adopted brother was bleeding out on the ground with a hole in his chest. How did this happen?? Well we would need to go back to earlier a couple days ago.

*Time Rewind Go*

(Y/n) (L/n) Hyoudou woke up with a groan as he smashed his alarm clock that was yelling at him to wake up. Sadly it didn't shut off so he had to wake up. Luckily he did manage to turn the alarm clock off finally.

(Y/n): "I should probably make sure Issei is awake for school." He mused to himself quietly. So he opened his door and walked down the hallway to his brothers room and knocked and a few second later didn't hear anything and walked in.

Issei: "Oppai. Where did you go. Hey come back here stop running." He said in his sleep with his hands straight up and his face set in a perverted look.

(Y/n) sighed with annoyance. Why did his brother have to be a pervert. But a idea popped up into his head. With a smirk he walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl after filling it with water. He then made his way back upstairs being sure not to spill any water. He then stood above his brother and dropped the cold water onto Issei who screamed a very manly scream. Ok who am I kidding it was a very girly screech.

(Y/n): "Good morning Issei how was your sleep??" He asked with a innocent smile though his eyes showed his hidden amusement.

Issei: "Dam-it bro don't do that!!" He yelled at his brother who merely gave a smile before walking out ignoring his screaming at him.

(Y/n) quickly dried the bowl in the kitchen using a paper towel and then took a shower and dried off before putting on the Kuoh academy uniform.

(His uniform is the same as Issei's but replace the red shirt with a blue shirt)

(Y/n) then grabbed his bag and went downstairs and sat at the table with his parents. Gorou Hyoudou and Akari Hyoudou.

(Note I forgot their names but I think Issei's dads name was Gorou and his mom was never given a name so I made one up)

"So which one was it today??" Gorou asked (Y/n) who was confused. Seeing his son confused Gorou got more specific. "How did you wake him up??" (Y/n) chuckled slightly and said with a straight face "I dumped a bowl of ice cold water onto him that's it." He then started eating breakfast once Akari brought it out and everyone was eating.

(Y/n)/Issei: "Bye mom, dad!!" Both yelled out from the front door as they were leaving and got a goodbye back. The two then started their journey to school.

When they got to the front of the school both genders had different reactions.

Random Girl 1: "Why is our blue prince with that pervert!?" She demanded to no one in general.

Random Girl 2: "It's our blue prince!!" She squealed.

Random Girl 3: "I wonder if he would go out with me??" She mused to herself.

Random Guy 1: "Dam-it the pretty boy is back!!" He said glaring at (Y/n).

Random Guy 2: "GO DIE PRETTY BOY!!" He yelled at (Y/n) who ignored him.

Random Guy 3: "Why does he get all the girls!?" He demanded.

Issei: "I don't get it bro how do you get all the girls to like you??" Asked (Y/n) who looked at issei with a serious look. He asked issei if he really wanted to know which he nodded.

(Y/n): "It's simple really. Don't be a pervert, don't peak on girls. Be a gentle men. Then be me." He said with a joke at the end with a chuckle as Issei glared at (Y/n).

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