(S1)-Chapter 9

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The ORC was in the club room all ready. Issei was in his school uniform and surprisingly having a thoughtful look considering he's a idiot.


Issei: "Dam you Author-Sama I'm not a idiot!!"

Author-sama aka Me: "Yes you are idiot!! Ddraig hit the pervert in the face."

Ddraig: "Sir yes sir."

Issei was smacked in the face.

Author-Sama: "Now back to the show. Anymore fourth wall breaks will result in me putting in Rock Lee from naruto verse and pair him with you."

Everyone in DxD Verse: "Aye."


Rias and Akeno in their school outfits drinking tea calmly. Koneko wore her school outfit except she had two fingerless cat gloves for fighting on her hands and was eating some candy. Kiba has some armor on his arms and legs and he was reading a book calmly. Asia was wearing her old nun uniform clutching to issei tightly showing her nervousness. (Y/n) had one a battle outfit.

This outfit was given to him by Tiamat

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This outfit was given to him by Tiamat. She seemed sad and had been crying but before he could do or say anything she ran away from him. He was gonna go after her but he couldn't as the rating game was gonna happen and if they lost it would make it near impossible for him to see what's wrong.

He asked (D/n) what he did wrong and the dragon said Tiamat heard him say "My Sona" back then and then connected the dots. Tiamat liked him. He had literally punched the hall and it broke down and when asked what happened he said it was private. They accepted knowing that it was between (Y/n) and whoever else or what made him mad. They used some magic and fixed it.

"How is everyone so calm." Issei whispered to Kiba, Asia nodding to wanting to know to. "There all nervous. President and Akeno are not even actually drinking their tea. There is no tea in them. Koneko hasn't actually eaten the first candy yet. (Y/n) is having a issue as we all saw so I don't think he is nervous at all and or would be anyway. I cover mine by reading." Kiba whispered. Issei and Asia nodded.

Soon Sona and Tsubaki walked in. She (Sona) was gonna talk to (Y/n) but Rias stopped her. "Sorry Sona my pawn is currently having a mental issue and not very into talking right now. It will probably be better after the game where he can get rid of his anger." She said as Sona nodded her eyes holding major concern for the pawn of Rias.

"Anyway I came here to say good luck and that I'll be watching. Good luck I'll see you 6 after the rating game." Sona said and then left.

Grayfia then appeared. "Grayfia." Rias said wondering what she was doing here. "Ojou-sama. I have come to inform you that Lucifer-sama is watching this game."

"Brother dearest is watching." Rias said as she held her hands to her face. "Rias's brother is Lucifer!!" Issei said in shock.

"You remember how the 4 original Satan's died right??" Kiba whispered. Issei and Asia nodded. "Well there was a civil war between devils wanting to stop the war and other devils wanting to continue the war. The ones for peace win and the original Satan's names were given as titles for the new ones and as a new last name. Rias's elder brother was chosen as the new devil king as he made it onto the top ten list and became a super devil along with Beelzebub and another person you don't need to know about." He explained to the shocked two former humans.

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