Akeno's Date (Rward Hidden Inside)

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This half of the chapter is detected to the very close like a single episode of fairy tail anime. It's sad to see all the good shows are finally ending. It's really sad. Find the hidden reward only one person can get it enjoy.


(Y/n) was not having a good day. He had been shot 2 times. TWO times!! Just today. Not a kill spot but an annoying spot in the arms. Why couldn't they just make in painless and shot him in the head?? Is that to much to ask for!?

(Y/n) sighed to calm down as the wounds had already healed completely thankfully. He needed something to do... maybe he could go practice stunts in his dragon form with his dad. Yeah that sounded fun to do.

So he quickly opened a hole through dimensions to the dimensional gap and walked through and quickly changed to his dragon form.

(If you forgot what it looked like go to the peace summit chapters to see it as that picture is long gone in my pile of pictures)

(Y/n) managed to find his father in 15 minutes of flying around. They did some stunts and stuff and (Y/n) asked his father if he knew someone who wouldn't cause a war that he could fight.

"Oh I believe I do know a person you could fight. Just go on through and come back when your done. Ask for Natsu Dragneel." His father said before (Y/n) in his human form flew through the portal and arrived outside a building with a symbol on it.

(It's the new fairy tail building cause I like that one the best. The current fairy tail arc is right after the show ends and everyone is healed and not before they left for the 100 year quest also)

He walked up to the doors and managed to lean down in time to dodge as a pink haired around 18 maybe 19 with a flaming fist tried to attack him and he just leaned to the side while grabbing his wrist and stopping him in place.

"It's not nice to attack someone without reason fire dragon slayer." (Y/n) said as he noted the magic the pink haired teenager used. "You smell like a dragon and that's enough of a reason to fight." The pink haired teem said as he tried to remove his arm from the grip and couldn't to many's shock. Natsu was one of the strongest physically and magically of the guild.

"So who are you pinky??" He asked to many's shock. This person didn't know Natsu dragneel the fire dragon slayer, salamander, slayer of zeref, destroyer of armies and other titles.

"Natsu Dragneel son of igneel the fire dragon king!!" He said proudly as (Y/n) snorted. "A dragon king that's it?? I'm a dragon son of the strongest existence the true dragon god great red the ultimate being. I'm also a dragon slayer. 80% heavenly dragon for now and 20% devil. An I have come here to fight someone to relieve my boredom little dragon slayer." (Y/n) said in a mocking voice at the end as his own dragon wings appeared and and his devil wings also.

"Don't diss dad!!" Natsu yelled as he ignited his hand with his magic and tried to punch (Y/n) with his other hand only to be surprised when (Y/n) merely glared at the fire dragon slayer for showing him such a weak attack and blocked it with one finger.

"Don't use such weak attacks on me little human!!" (Y/n) said as he grabbed Natsu by his collar and chucked him into the ground painfully and stomped his stomach as Natsu spit out blood. Natsu glared at (Y/n) before firing a fire dragons roar at him and (Y/n) who just grabbed it with his hand and it formed into a small ball and he ate it.

"Nice try little hatchling." (Y/n) said as he kicked Natsu into a forest and following him by using his dragon wings. He arrived to see Natsu pulling himself out a tree where his head was lodged into it. It looked painful.

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