(S1)-Chapter 4

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(Y/n) and Issei we're walking around Kuoh as they had nothing to do right now. (Y/n) had already trained. Issei didn't have anything or anyone to peak on. Both were BORED!!

Crash!! Both boys saw Asia!! "Asia your safe!!" Issei said in relief as (Y/n) offered her a smile. You might be wondering what this was about right?? Well it all is a fuse for a time rewind!! Let's go!!

*Time Rewind Go!!*

(Y/n) was sipping some tea in the ORC while waiting for Issei to finish his contract. Kiba was cleaning his sword with a rag that looked like it had definitely seen better days. Koneko was eating sweets. Akeno was just sitting next to him smiling. Rias was at her desk going through paper though (y/n) thinks he can see a... manga??

But she suddenly stood straight up. "Everyone let's go issei is in trouble!!" They all vanished into a magic circle with Kiba going first and in time to block a exorcist from cutting issei with a light sword. It looked tasty to (Y/n). Wait it did?? Weird.

*End Time Rewind!!*

In short Asia was there and found out the two were devils by the exorcist which Asia surprisingly defended issei claiming him and (Y/n) to be 'good' devils. She was sexually abused by freed from what they saw. So issei and (Y/n) punched him. Hard. Rias nearly hit him with her energy blast thing destroying the couch she hit.

"Come on let's go have some fun!!" Issei said excitedly. (Y/n) gave a small smile. They went to the arcade and played games. Issei had won Asia a plushy dog. They went and got a bite to eat at a burger shack and Asia had to ask for help how to eat it which angered (Y/n). Did the church teach her nothing!!

So they taught her how eat a hamburger that they bought and French fries. It was pretty cute. As they were at a small fountain Issei suddenly grabbed where freed had injured him. Asia quickly came over and healed him as he felt better.

"Does it feel better now??" She asked and issei nodded. "Yep. A lot better now." Issei said as her smile widen. Asia liked having friends. "I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom." (Y/n) said as they said they'll be right here.

When (Y/n) got back he saw a crying issei and no asia. He was fucking confused, he was gone 5 mins!! The hell happened??

"Issei explain!!" (Y/n) ordered issei who spoke up. "Raynare or Yumma as she called herself came here and put another spear through my chest wanting to take Asia and she healed me and left with her to protect me." He said and (Y/n) sighed knowing he and issei are gonna get chewed out for this.

"WHAT DID I SAY!! Stay away from the nun!! What did you two do?? You went out with the nun!! Look I'm sorry for yelling I just care about you two. But why would she want Asia??" Rias said and suddenly it clicked in (Y/n)'s Head.

"Her sacred gear!! She could heal EVERY race. Devils. Angels. Fallen angels. Humans. Animals, etc. Raynare must want it herself!!" He deduced as Rias went wide eye and a glint entered her eyes.

"I see. Let me explain this. When a pawn enters enemy territory that I claim you two can promote to queen, rook, Bishop, knight. Now me and akeno must me off. Don't cause trouble now." Rias said after explaining as she and Akeno left in a magic circle.

"You coming (Y/n)??" Issei asked as
(Y/n) nodded and followed issei along with Koneko and Kiba. "President and Akeno would be sad if you two died." Was the response from the two. Though koneko and kiba had their own reasons also.

"You guys go ahead there is something I have to do." (Y/n) said to them as they all felt killing intent. "Are you sure??" Koneko asked in worry which didn't sit her. He pat her head and rubbed as she leaned into it. "Yes I'm sure Neko-chan. Now go ahead I got this." He said and gave her a smile as she gave a slight smile with a blush.

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