(S1)-Chapter 5

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Issei and (Y/n) walked into the club room and when they got in there issei grabbed something. It was bra!! Asia's bra to be exact. How issei knew this we won't know. What's gonna happen to him?? (Y/n)'s righteous fury of pervert hating. So using his iron fan he smacked issei hard into the ground and then took a seat on the couch thinking things over.

[Say partner do you have any ideas for training with the starlight magic??] (D/n) asked his partner who had a glazed look in his eyes despite drinking his tea akeno gave him. 'Yes. I think at least. I'll explain "it" to you in the mindscape later.' (Y/n) replied using the same mental link they shared. [Right] (D/n) said back through the mental link.

"Help (Y/n) you there??" Rias asked waving a hand in front of him as he blinked. "Huh oh sorry. I was talking to (D/n) about training." (Y/n) apologized/explained.

"Wait you can talk to him already??" Rias asked as he nodded and his sacred gear appeared. Luckily he was the only one on the couch so he didn't need to stand up.

[Pleasure to meet you devils. But yes he can speak to me through the mental link we share.] (D/n) explained. "It's a pleasure to meet you (D/n)-sama." Rias said. [Its a pleasure little devil. Anyway you brown haired pervert. You host ddraig right?? Assuming by your magical levels I assume you can't talk to him right??] the non response answered the question.

[My host being your brother could transfer some of my energy to strengthen the bond so he can talk. So come here and summon the boosted gear!!] (D/n) said as Issei came over and one of the small bits flew off the gear and a small beam hit the green orb and then went back to the spot it was at on the sacred gear. [Wait a minute] then suddenly a voice was heard as the green gem flowed bright green.

{I CAN FINALLY TALK!!} This was the welsh dragon Ddraig. The dragon of domination. One of the three heavenly dragons.

[Its been a long time old friend.] (D/n) said. {It has nodded old friend. You also have a very interesting host. He is a starlight dragon like you.} [Yep. He was a half dragon but it eventually grew to right now 80% dragon and his remaining 20% human was turned devil. He had no alignment so he adopted my power due to his sacred gear!!] {You are quite lucky old friend. To think I had a great host?? NO!! I have a pervert who focus on his perverted nature instead of train like his brother to realize his potential} [Don't feel to bad Ddraig. Why don't you go to sleep old friend. But it was good to see... talk to you again] {Yes indeed it was old friend. Wake me up if anything interesting happens}

"That was interesting..." Rias said as (Y/n) merely chuckled slightly along with everyone else. So later they moved Asia in and (Y/n) started packing up as he was gonna move out. You see (Y/n) had earned a lot of money over life that was stored in his bank account due to him making a program or two online and he became rich very very fast. Plus it helped the government wanted to buy it also so he was filthy rich. So he decided to buy himself a nice house... mansion.


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