Season 3 Clip Preveiw

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"You will not beat me you filthy dragon!!"

"I am the brother of the current Beelzebub!! I will not be treated like this."


"I am Shalba Beelzebub. Son of the original Beelzebub."


"I don't know you."

"Who are you??"



"I am Loki a god. I neither bow nor listen to anyone!!"

"You can not defeat me for you are nothing but a mere dragon. I am a god boy."

"What is that form!?"

"How are you so strong??"


"Huh did he name it final flash. Oh how cute... OH SHIT!!"

"Translation into badass. FUCK EVERYTHING THAT WAY!!"


"DON'T DO IT (Y/N)!!"

"(Y/n)... I'm pregnant and your the father." (That one's a shocker huh?? But the question is who is the pregnant harem member??)

"Huh. How. What. I have so many questions!!"

"Huh... he fainted... you'll make a great father to our hatchling won't you (Y/n)~sama."


Ova 1

"Hey issei I want to show you something." (Y/n) said as issei said "ok" and followed his older brother. Issei was told to go first and opened the door and he felt a hit to his neck and passed out last thing he saw was a grinning evilly (Y/n).

Issei woke up in pain and tried to move and felt rope that was magic strengthened. He tried to summon the boosted gear but it didn't work. All he heard from Ddraig was a "Sorry partner but I ain't getting punished by lord (Y/n)" quite fearfully before hiding in issei's mind blocking off the connection between the two for now.

"Issei, issei, issei. Did you think I forgot what you did in the rating game with Riser??" (Y/n) asked with a completely shamelessly evil grin on his face. "N-n-now (Y/n), I'm sure we can not have to do something about this. Plus I'm sure Rias won't let you do this!!" Issei said pale soon regaining color to his face and will to fight back which soon went even farther away and paler then before as he saw the punishment and heard what his elder brother would say.

"Issei, issei, issei. Who do you think it is that allowed this and told me to do it?? Rias sends her regards." (Y/n) said holding a disk with the words "Boku No Pico" on it as issei started thrashing before more rope appeared and metal also with ice binding issei there. "Be a good boy and enjoy." (Y/n) said before staring to laugh like a evil maniac.

(Y/n) clicked play on the remote laughing evilly still. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Issei yelled out In pure agony as it started playing the entire series straight. Issei would forever fear his elder brother.


Side note.

Characters: Issei the weak but pervert with a golden heart of kindness. (Y/n) the insane heavenly dragon class being who is the only one beside Saitama able to watch the show known as *shiver* Boku no Pico *shiver*. Demonic (Y/n). As seen the demonic (Y/n) is a glorified badass who doesn't take no fucks and WILL willingly use the final flash badass 'fuck everything that way in the multiverse' version.

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