(S2)-Chapter 2

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(Y/n) was reading a book in the living room as he had finished his training for the day and was surprised when he sensed a massive holy aura and went extra wide eye when he sensed it at his former place of residence.

"Issei!!" (Y/n) said in worry as he ran to his garage and powered up His motorcycle.

He then floored it to his previous place of residence and opened the door with his spare key

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He then floored it to his previous place of residence and opened the door with his spare key.

"Issei I got your text." (Y/n) said drifting his eyes to the two females in cloaks sitting on the couch. "Oh yes." Issei said playing along as his parents were there. (Y/n) used subtle magic and influenced them to go to sleep in their room.

"Ok who are you??" (Y/n) asked ready to go into dragon force. "(Y/n)!!" the blue haired one said as she pulled down her hood. Slight tears in her eyes.

"Xenovia!!" (Y/n) said with a surprise look as he looked at her. They both had slight tears in their eyes as they hugged each other. (Y/n) realized he wasn't burning with the cross she had on but remembered he was immune to light attacks beside the strength behind them due to being able to eat it.

"I miss you." (Y/n) murmured in her shoulder as she nodded her head in agreement. "I missed you to (Y/n). Anyway we have to go now. It was great seeing you (Y/n)." Xenovia said waving goodbye as (Y/n) did to. With a final hug the two exorcist left the house and went somewhere.

Suddenly Rias and Sona arrived.

"Oh thank god your ok (Y/n)/Issei when we felt the holy aura we rushed over." Rias and Sona said in sync as (Y/n) nodded.

"I did the same." (Y/n) said still smiling. "I see. Well come on let's go (Y/n) I need my pillow." Sona said as she basically dragged (Y/n) our the house and had him drive him and her back. He didn't like being pulled places so he did some stunts on the way back scaring Sona for revenge.

"Why might members of the church be here for??" Rias asked with a smile that was strained. A bead of sweat on her face.

"I am Xenovia Quarta. I wield Excalibur Destruction." Xenovia said. "I'm Irina Shidou. I wiled Excalibur Mimic. It lets me change the form of it. You can see it right now on my arm." She said showing a bracelet like thing on her arm.

"Irina!! We shouldn't be telling the devils our abilities!!" Xenovia said sternly. "We need to be nice xenovia." Irina said as Xenovia sighed.

"Anyway were here to tell you that 3 Excalibur's were stolen from the church by fallen angels and were ordering you not to get involved with this. These are direct orders from up high." Xenovia said as Rias's eyes narrowed.

"Who do you think you are to order me around in my territory??" Rias said as her smile became more strained.

"Even if you are the little sister of the Lucifer I will say this. If devils worked with fallen angels as Excalibur can be deadly to mostly all devils." Xenovia said.

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