(S2)-Chapter 6

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"You can come out now... Freed." (Y/n) said as freed arrived from behind a tree.

"Hehe." He laughed as Rias, Akeno and Sona summoned a magic circle. "Hey hey hold up!! I'm just a messenger. My boss wants to meet you!!" He said excitedly as a purple glow dome formed around them and a fallen angel with 10 wings appeared.

 My boss wants to meet you!!" He said excitedly as a purple glow dome formed around them and a fallen angel with 10 wings appeared

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"Kokabiel." Rias said distastefully as she smiled her smile clearly real unless you knew her and could tell it was fake.

"Who is he??" Issei asked with Saji also nodding. Tsubaki had already disappeared to get Irina help at Sona's home. "He's Kokabiel a 10 winged angel and one of the leaders of the Grigori. Fought in the Great War against god and the Satan's." Rias said distastefully being near Kokabiel.

"Rias Gremory your hair red like your brother it makes me sick!!" Kokabiel said obviously annoyed with being reminded of sirzechs who probably smacked his ass sometime during the war and made him runaway like a little B.

"So what do you want Kokabiel??" Sona said speaking up. "Oh little sister of serafall. What I want is to start a war!! We were close to wining and yet Azazel called for us to be brought back and pull out!! We the strongest the fallen angels!!" He said arrogantly. Sure he had a right somewhat to be arrogant but he was to arrogant.

"Your a Warhawk!!" Rias yelled out as Kokabiel laughed insanely. "OF COURSE I AM!! I LOVE WAR!!" He said before freed spoke up. "Yep yep. He's such a great boss. I mean look what he gave me." Freed said excitedly as he opened his coat showing 5 Excalibur's. A string around his left arm.

(Imagine That there is 5 Excalibur's in there)

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(Imagine That there is 5 Excalibur's in there)

"All but one Excalibur!! Isn't he a great boss!!" He said as Kokabiel soon fired a blast of light spears at them which they blocked (Rias, Akeno and Sona) while the others (everyone else) jumped away.

When it was done Kokabiel and Freed were gone. Koneko said in a tree "They went to the academy."

"Rias head to the academy I'll have my peerage hold a barrier preventing humans from knowing about what's happening." Sona said as Rias nodded her thanks and they headed to the academy quickly.

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