(S2)-Chapter 4

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(Play song for this chapter. It goes well with it. If it runs out before you finish the chapter then re-start it cause it actually helps the story along)

"Alright... so... what did you call me here for again??" (Y/n) asked as he sat at a table with Koneko, Sanji, Issei.

"We're gonna help Kiba!!" Issei said as (Y/n) smiled slightly. This was why he liked Issei like a little brother. He may be a pervert but he had a heart of gold in there.

"Alright fine. I'll help. I have my own reasons as well. Not telling anyone if you. Yes even you koneko." (Y/n) said as the group nodded and went to look for the two exorcist. They found them begging on the street.

"You know Xeno-chan... did Irina but a fake panting of a saint??" (Y/n) asked as Xenovia nodded. (Y/n) sighed as their stomachs growled.

"Come with me. Think of me as a dragon paying not a 20% devil." (Y/n) said as he led them to a small little nice restaurant. Of course he swiped issei's wallet. Issei didn't need to know that.

(Issei: I'm pretty sure I do!!
Me: Issei... Shut up or I'll kill you!!)

"So what do you want with us??" Irina asked the devils who let issei talk for now as (Y/n) decided to take a small dragon nap. He likes his naps. The naruto verse shouldn't exist here yet my character acts like a dam Nara.

(Y/n) woke up to the agreement. "Alright we agree to let you destroy one of the swords." Xenovia said as they nodded.

"Alright everyone listen up!!" (Y/n) said sternly getting their attention. "We will ALL meet up AT the church at 8pm. Also anyone late will be punished by me. You three make up excuses for your king. I'm a king so I don't need to." (Y/n) said smugly. He got huffs from the other three.

"I'll see you soon xeno-chan, Shidou-san." (Y/n) said as he jogged away from the area they were in at a slow speed, very, very, very, very, very slow speed since humans can't do that fast naturally with the way since a good chunk only try to stay at one area in size and shape and fitness levels.

(Not sure if that's true just what I've been told by people)

When he got back to his house he grinned at a idea in his head.

'Hey (D/n) if I power up Excalibur Ruler with my holy like dragon aura does that possibly mean it could count as a dragon slayer also??' He asked with a devilish grin coming to his face.

'It could work like that. Our dragon aura is unique to many dragons. Dragons are naturally chaotic beings. 6 dragons have not lost it once to their power and their chaotic power and nature. Great Red. Ophis. Albion. Ddraig. Tiamat and finally me.' He replied as (Y/n) nodded but asked 'who is Great Red and Ophis??' He felt drawn to those names for some reason.

'Great Red. Strongest Existence. The True Red Dragon God Emperor. The one who stands above all. The dragon of illusions and dreams. He lives in the dimensional gap and does stunts constantly in the dimensional gap cause he wishes to be the best dragon of flying. (??). He couldn't give a rats ass about MOST things. But if you made a enemy of him you just accept your fate.' (D/n) informed him.

'Ophis. The infinite dragon god. Second strongest being in existence. She hates Great-Red. He supposedly kicked her out the dimensional gap which is basically a void. Her goal no matter what is to force great red out the gap and be ALONE in it and enjoy her silence. Emotionless loli girl with black hair and gothic clothes (??)' (D/n) informed his host again.

'Wait. Long black hair, grey emotionless eyes, weird outfit with tape covering her nipples, white shorts, black gothic top, a fril (??) on her head??' (Y/n) asked his partner who confirmed his partner's question who started breathing even more realizing how close he had been to someone who he was a big to them.

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