Serafall's And Grayfia's Date

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To me that looks really cool. Anyway here is Serafall's and Grayfia's date. Only Xenovia's, Koneko's and Kuroka's left now. Enjoy!!


(Y/n) blinked as he woke up strapped to a chair and with heavy magical restraints. So someone of the supernatural kidnapped him... neat.

"Alright come on out you wouldn't want to leave little ol me alone would you??" (Y/n) said in a mocking voice as a grin was on his face. He was rewarded by a smack to the back of his head.

"Don't speak to lord Diskae like that filthy dragon!!" A man said as (Y/n) felt he was a reincarnated devil. "Yes I am Diskae Bael, high class devil and you WILL be joining my peerage then I can make your sluts mine!!" He said with a perverse grin as (Y/n)'s face became impassive and would soon learn... he just fucked up.

(Y/n)'s face soon turned to rage as he easily broke the restraints and stood up glowing blue as his balance breaker formed.

"Now listen here piss ants. I don't care if you kidnapped me or tortured me. But bring my mates into this and calling them sluts is a death sentence for you." (Y/n) informed as he vanished and his hand was going through the mans chest. He took his hands out and blocked a attack from a peerage member and grabbed his hand before his (y/n) hand went through the mans neck as the man tried to stop the bleeding but soon fell dead.

(Y/n) suddenly spun around and grabbed a leg aiming for his head and spun the person around and flung them into another peerage member.

"You Mongrels are pissing me off!!" (Y/n) yelled out before a arrow with black blood on it as (Y/n) screamed in pain. Stupid dragon slaying shit.

"How does it feel blue dragon emperor. The blood of the dragon eater himself which is poison to your kind and even capable of slaying great red." A healed Diskae said probably having used a phenex tear.

Soon (Y/n) dropped the the floor "dead" and Diskae grabbed a queen piece and was gonna put it on his back but a hand grabbed his hand and destroyed the queen piece and was shocked to see (Y/n) alive and glaring at him before this time he received a giant pressure on him before (Y/n) started growing and changed into his dragon form.

"Now you filthy mongrel shall regret messing with the newest heavenly dragon class being!!" (Y/n) said in anger still and he used his tail to stab the rest of the reincarnated devils sparing none and turned to Diskae and grinned before opening his three mouths and a orb of blue energy formed in the three mouths and then fired at the same time creating a giant explosion thankfully none noticed and would assume it was (Y/n) training or something.

When the smoke and dust cleared nothing was left there. (Y/n) grinned and roared in triumph before flying away happily not noticing a green haired female with amber color eyes staring at the dragon with longing in her eyes before she went back to doing something.

(Yes I did that)


"Serafall and Grayfia are you two ready yet??" (Y/n) asked sitting on his bed like he had been for the past 3 god dam hours!! The bathroom door opened and out came Grayfia and Serafall finally.

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