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Sammy's POV

A month into summer

"Oh come on, Sammy. Don't think of the worst" jasmine nudged my shoulder and scoffed. She had came with me to the doctors because I was having stomach pains, at first I thought they were cramps but the pain was worse and I would bleed through my belly button and through my... area. I was sick as well but not as bad anymore. I only got sick in the morning which was weird, jasmine thought I was pregnant which was crazy since I was on my period. Something was wrong with me but I didn't know what was up.

It had been a month since I've left riverdale. I miss my friends... not the school or town. I was enjoying the summer and I hoped they were as well without me. I went to Arizona with the twins and then we went to Los Angels where they stayed and I went to sea side. That's where I am currently, I'm staying at a community center with jasmine. She was so nice to me and genuine. We became friends ever since I moved into the community center. I have a few friends at the center but I prefer jasmine over any of them.

I've thought about going back to riverdale but the more I think of it the more anxious I get. Jasmine said she'd be down to go with me and that made me happy. I told her everything that happened between me and... you know who. I cried most of the time I told her about him and she doesn't like him even though she's never met him. I still struggle getting over him, I tried doing things that would make me forget him but it didn't work, not one bit.

On the brighter side my anxiety is calm and not as bad as it used to be.

"What if I'm dying?" I widen my eyes and told her, trying to keep a straight face. "I hate you" she rolled her eyes which made me laugh. But my laughter was shut up by the doctor walking in. He had his clip board in his hand and he had a look of sadness.

What was wrong?

"Ms. Santiago... I have some bad news" he huffed and looked directly at me. "What is it?" My heart was pounding and my palms were getting sweaty. I didn't think anything was seriously wrong with me, but maybe there is after all.

"This is not something easy to say to a teenager, a young lady, or any one in general but unfortunately I have to tell you something hard..." he trailed off. My stomach churned and I became more nervous.

"You were pregnant" the words flows through his mouth and my heart dropped.


Present time

"Get your ass up or I'm eating your waffles" I immediately opened my eyes and jumped out of bed to see jasmine standing in the corner of our room with her hands on her hips. "Touch my food and you're a dead woman" I pointed at her and kept eye contact. "I won't now that you're awake. But you need to change and get ready to go eat in the cafeteria with me" she rolled her eyes. I stuck my tongue at her and she repeats the action to me.

She went into our bathroom while I changed. I put on some black sweats and a white crop Nike crop top. I slipped on my slides and put my hair in a bun. Even though I looked like a stud, I didn't care because I didn't have anyone to impress, plus I was too lazy to get dolled up today. I was going to have one of those days.

After jasmine came out of the bathroom I went in after her to brush my teeth and put deodorant on that I placed in the cabinet in there.

"Are you ready, hoe?" She asked me and I nodded as I came out of the bathroom. We walked down stairs to the cafeteria and grabbed our breakfast from the catering table. A few people were in the cafeteria, mainly kids. We found a table and sat there.

"You know, Sammy... school is coming up" jasmine said as she ate a strawberry. "I'm aware and I'm not looking forward to it" I nodded and drank my orange juice. "Are you still thinking about going back to riverdale? Or did you change your mind and want to stay and go to sea side high?" She asked.

I sighed and gave her a 'really bitch' look but she gave me a 'stop being a pussy' look.

"As much as I want to stay... something is telling me to go back. I miss my friends" I shrugged and ate a piece waffle that I cut and dipped in syrup. "Can't wait to see the reunion" she said sarcastically. "I bet they'll be glad to see you" she added which made me roll my eyes.

I knew who she was talking about.

"I hope he trips and falls on his stupid face" she mumbled before sipping her tea which made me chuckle. "I just want to see Archie, now that I think of it. Yeah, I miss the serpents but not as much as I miss Archie" I spoke.

I really do miss Archie, my sweet red headed cupcake. I hope he listened to me and got back with Veronica. If he didn't I'll kick his ass when I get back in August. Right now it's July and August is coming closer and closer.

"Thank god. Maybe you'll fall for Archie this year" she sighed in relief and I laughed. She looked at me like I was crazy as I laughed.

"Not happening, jasmine"

Reggie's POV

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" I yelled at the blonde chick who I just hooked up with. She slammed my front door hard and it was loud enough that I heard it from my room upstairs. We just had a stupid argument before she left.

Stupid whore.

She had thought I liked her and wanted to go out with me which I crazy since I haven't dated anyone since... Sam. I've been hooking up with chicks all summer to help me move on and get over Sam but nothing has worked.

She's always on my mind and has never left.

Sometimes I pretend she's still here in riverdale. Like she's now a civilian living her best life without me. I miss her so much I never knew it was possible to miss someone this much before it's insane.

I got up from my bed and closed my door. After I went to my window and was about to close the curtains but then I saw Archie and Veronica walking on the sidewalk. Holding hands and laughing together. My heart clenched at the sight.

That was supposed to be me and Sam. This summer was supposed to be amazing with her. But now I've ended up sleeping around and getting drunk every other night while Sam is somewhere far, far away. No where to be found.

When I found out that she left I was devastated and I realized I had fucked up. I hated myself for saying what I said to her the day at Archie's place. I still hate myself.

I hate myself for hurting her.

I hate myself for ending our relationship.

I miss her a lot and I hope she's okay and somewhere safe.

I closed my curtains before Archie and Veronica saw me. I walked to my bed and crouched down and grabbed a shoe box that was hidden under my bed.

I placed it on my lap as I sat down on my bed. I removed the lid and placed it next to me.

A smile formed on my face as I looked at the pictures and items in the box. A few Polaroids, pictures from photo booths, and a few regular pictures of me and Sam. Inside was her necklace and a small heart shaped box that had a ring in it that I was going to give her.

I picked up a picture of us that Kevin had took at one of my football games. I had my arm wrapped around Sam and we smiled at each other.

We were so happy.

I traced my finger on her figure and started to choke up. A tear had fell on the picture and rolled down on the piece of colored paper.

"I'm so sorry, baby"

They're backkkk. And so am i😌. Kind of feel bad for Reggie but at the same time I'm rooting for sammy. Don't forget to vote and check out my other books.


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