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Reggie's POV

"i don't know. i can't remember her talking about hanging around with the twins recently. they've been too involved with their youtube videos that they barely hang out with anyone, they barely go to school." i fill in cody on the twins and how they have been recently since he asked.

"so that means sammy is probably always alone most of the time. that's too risky for us. you need to hang around with her again like you did when you took her to the arcade. go with her again or take her to see a movie. anything as long as it takes her alone time away." he paces around my room and explains to me.

"i have a life you know?" i scoffed at him. "isn't she a huge part of your life though?" he laughs as he sits across from me on my spinning chair. "i have a girlfriend who i am happy with." i said as i looked down at the ground.

"quit fucking lying. i can tell by the way you said that, that you could careless about that hoe." he laughs at me, once again. "she isn't a hoe." i squint at him. "mhhh whatever you say. just don't leave sammy alone all the time." he shrugs.

"she just gets annoying sometimes! and she always has to say something about my personal life, it's usually a joke but either way it effects me!" i rolled my eyes. "she wasn't always like this you know? she's different now and i don't know how i feel about the new sam, it's like she's losing herself more every day." i added and threw myself back on my bed. cody then sat next to me and looked down at me as he talked.

"and you're the only one that can bring out the real her. don't give up on her, okay? pretty much everyone else has, she needs you, reggie. more than anything."

oh shit, did he really mean that?

"i know what you're thinking and yes i do mean it. i know i can be a dick sometimes to everyone but when it comes to my sisters getting hurt, i'd do anything to keep them safe. even if it kills me." he stared into space and spoke in a sad tone. "you know she's lucky to have a brother like you looking out for her." i sit up.

i had an idea, it could work but then again it depends on sam for it to work or not work.

"what if you confront her?" i suggest. "she hates me, man. i almost killed her and her friends. there's no chance in hell that she'd want to see me again." he spoke lowly.

"dude, she let me back into her life after what i did to her. i guess you can say we're fine at the moment. but you're her brother, her own blood. she couldn't possibly say no to you. yeah, she might want to punch you in the face but she'll get over it." i tried to convince him.

"the only reason she let you back into her life is because she loves you more than anything, reggie. she might not show it right now but deep down she loves you so much." he scoffs as he stands up from my bed and faces me.

"how do you know?" i asked.

"the eyes, chico. they never lie."


"hey, reg. can we talk?" archie approaches me in the hallway. "uh yeah su-" he cut me off by grabbing my arm and dragging me into an empty classroom, he closes the door and locks it once both of us are in the class.

"wow, bro. why'd you lock the door?" i asked nervously. "because i don't want anyone disturbing us." he said in a weird way.

"look dude, i love you and all but you're like my brother. also we both that girl-" he cuts me off.

"wait did you think i was gonna kiss or you something?" he laughs at me. "no shit, you locked the door and said you didn't want anyone disturbing us." i explained with a nervous laugh.

"because i need to talk to you about something serious, dumb ass."

"ohhh. well in that case continue."

"recently me and sammy haven't been getting along. i hate that we aren't because she's one of my best friend's and i miss our bond. i just had to stay away from her because of this one thing but it's been killing me not to be with her...." he starts off as we both sit down at a desk. i nod for him to continue and he does with a sad look and a sigh that tells me that something is wrong.

"i fucked up, okay? like seriously fucked up everything." he says with guilt. "dude, what's wrong?" i was nervous and really worried.

"ronnie is gonna hate me for this. sammy is gonna hate me for this. you are gonna hate me for this." he groans.

"just know i didn't mean it intentionally, okay? i would've never thought of doing this to neither 3 of you. you guys mean a lot to me and would never want to hurt you." he states.

"what's wrong, bro? you're scaring me." i said with anticipation and worry.

"promise you won't tell anyone, especially sammy or ronnie?" he looks around the classroom then at me. "i promise. now tell me before i go crazy." i nod.

"promise you won't get mad at me?" he asks which pissed me off since it seemed like he was avoiding what he had to tell me. "dude! just tell me!" i was getting annoyed at this point.

"fine... fine...." he started off.

he looked at me with apologetic eyes, his face expression softens as he speaks. my heart was pounding against my chest then drops once his words his hit me like a soccer ball to the head.

"i think i might be in love with sammy."

oh shit.

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