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sammy's pov

"are you signing up for the variety show?"

archie turns to look at me before handing me a coffee with a curious look. i mumbled a thank you before taking it and answering his question.

"i can't sing nor dance, arch. so no, i'm not." i lightly chuckled as we walked in the hallway. "i've heard you sing before, sammy. you got some good vocals, don't lie." he nudges my side lightly with his elbow.

"you're just saying that because you're my best friend. but either way i'm not doing the variety show, that's not my thing but i will be going to it." i informed him as i took a sip of my coffee.

"good because i'm performing." i almost choked on my drink due to his words that surprised me. "for real?" i asked.

"yeah, i signed me, ronnie, jug and betty up as a garage band." he answers and sips his coffee. "what did you guys name the band?" i asked.

"the archie's."

"oh my god, we love a creative red head."

"shut up, sammy."

we laughed in sync at our come backs. we kept walking, on our way to the student lounge but on our way reggie approached us.

"hey, can we talk?" he asks me. "privately." he adds as he looks at archie. "that's my cue to leave then, see you guys later." archie says and mouth's 'what the fuck?' before walking away, not knowing why reggie wanted to talk to me alone, but little did archie know about what had happened between me and reggie two nights ago.

reggie lead me to an empty classroom so people wouldn't see us together in public, yet. as it is there's tons of rumors about our break up and relationship. we definitely don't need more people seeing us together just to spark more rumors.

"what do you want to talk about?" i asked reggie. "i broke up with leah last night. i asked for all my stuff back, wasn't much since i really didn't trust her but i'm officially a single man. well, almost since we are kind of... sneaking around?" he gestures his hands between us and spoke as if it were a question.

"we shouldn't rush into things, reg. if we get back into the grove of things quick then people are going to talk more shit about us than they already do. maybe for right now, you should take in what it feels like to be a single dude or whatever." i told him with a sigh and all he did was roll his eyes at me.

"i could care less about what the fuck people think about us! and you don't know how long i've waited for you to come back into my life again, sam. i've waited for you and now that i'm ready to have you back, you're backing out, why?" he raised his voice at me.

"because i'm afraid that if i let you back in again then i'll lose you again. i'm afraid that i'll have to restart everything once again because of you. i'm afraid of getting hurt again! there! i said it! are you happy?" i raised my voice back at him.

his face was filled with hurt and disbelief. i did feel guilty, i really did and i might have sounded selfish but this is the first time i'm not doing things for others and for once i'm doing something for myself. yes, i feel like me and reggie could get back together and be better than what we were before but if he can't respect my decision or thoughts then i don't know if want him back again, i don't want to be toxic with him or with anyone in general.

"i should've known it was too good to be true..." he said with hurt in his voice. he leaves me alone in the empty classroom by myself. i wasn't going to bother trying to stop him, i was going to force anything or fake my feelings or thoughts just to please him. i'm not like that anymore and i never will be again.

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