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Sammy's pov

"i don't know, arch. he just seems... off." i sighed as i try to explain to archie in the kitchen that i had a weird vibe from Mr. Bishop. "sammy, you don't know what you're talking about. he's a really nice guy." he rolls his eyes at me. "you met him a few hours ago, archie." i said with a sigh.

"okay and? my uncle frank knows him so he's one of the good ones, okay? now shut up and don't embarrass me at dinner." he points at me. "like hell i'm sitting at the table with him or you." i spoke sternly which made a gasp leave his mouth.

"me? are you serious? what have i done to you, huh? i let you stay here with me in my house. i let you eat the food that i have, i let you use whatever you need in my house. so for once at least be grateful for what i give you! don't be bitching about anything, understand?" he raised his voice at me.

i just scoffed at him and how pathetic he was acting. the last few weeks he had been just so rude to me for no reason! i could blink and he'll yell at me for it! i needed some time away from him right now because i didn't know what was going on with him.

i went to my room and grabbed a backpack which i put some clothes and necessities in for a few days since i didn't want to be at his house for a while. after i walked down the stairs and walked out the door. i didn't have my motorcycle or a car yet so i just walked until a car pulled up beside me.

"going somewhere, sweetheart?" the familiar voice said as the window rolled down. and of course it had to be reggie... and his stupid beautiful eyes.

"not in the mood, reginald." i sighed and continued walking but he drove beside me as i walked. "come on, sammy. what's wrong?" he questions. i ignored him and kept walking.

"sam... i'm being serious what's wrong? what happened?" he was being completely serious now. i stopped walking and his car came to a stop. we looked at each other in the eyes and that's when i gave him. he unlocked the passenger door and i got in his car and put my seatbelt on.

"hey... what's going on?" he said with sympathy which made my heart get that warm feeling. "archie has been really... sus recently. i don't know what i did or what i'm going to do. i-i don't want to lose my best friend-d" i broke down in front of him... in front of reggie which i hasn't done in almost a year.

he immediately hugged me... held me almost. i cried into his shoulder as he whispered sweet things into my ear.

"was i not good enough?" i sobbed into his shoulder. he slightly gasped and pulled back from the hug. he cupped my face with his hands that i missed so much.

"sam... don't you ever question yourself that. you are more than enough and you always will be. i was an idiot for letting you go and so will archie if he lets you go. i'll talk to him for you and see what's his deal. for now just don't think about him... how about we go to the arcade to get your mind off things?"

"how could i say no to you?"


"if i win then you have to buy me a slushie." i held the basketball up and looked over at reggie who was leaning against the game machine with a smirk. "deal. and if you lose then you have to buy us pizza." i nodded at his words.

and as i expected, i won. i shot the ball into the basket and made it, making the machine flash 'WINNER' in bright yellow words.

"i prefer cherry." i winked at reggie and he just chuckled. we went to the snack bar where he bought both of our slushies.

after we played a few more games and had a good time together. i wasn't thinking about anything besides the time i was spending with him. he made me forget all of the things i'm struggling with right now in my life.

"here you go." i hand him the stuff turtle i had just bought with my tokens. "what should we name him?" he asks with a laugh as he takes the stuffed turtle out of my hand.

"how about gil?" i asked. "gil, huh? i fuck with that." he nods and holds the turtle like a baby. "i'll cherish him forever." he says in a goofy voice which made both of us laugh.

"i can't with you sometimes." i commented with a smile.

he phone then rang and he answered it while i stood there just drinking my slushie.

"yeah... i'm on my way." reggie huffed as he got off the phone with who ever he talking to. "who was that?" i asked as i sipped my slushie. "it was leah. she wants me to come over for some dinner thing with her family. it's kind of a routine now." he rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"seriously? so do you go over every day or..." i trailed off. "every thursday and the first friday of every month i have to go over for dinner. at first it was cute but now it's so annoying and she's practically forcing me at this point. her dad doesn't even like me, her mom can't cook for shit and her sister is always flirting with me." he groans and pinched his nose as he closed his eyes.

"so why do you still go? you can tell her no you know that right?" i scoffed. "it's not that easy." he stated. "and why is that? when we dated you-" i stopped talking once i realized what i had just said.

whenever we would hang out we never brought up our relationship or what we did for each other in the relationship, and now that i just did it stung. it grew silent between us as he just shook his head at me. i wanted to say something but i didn't know what to say... so i stayed quiet and looked down at my lap in guilt.

"i'm sorry..." i whispered.

"don't be. it's my fault to think that you actually changed and could finally keep your mouth shut." frustration was laced in his voice, his words kind of hurt but i deserved it. we looked up at each other, i wanted to cry once i looked into his eyes. the guilt was starting to eat me from the inside again.

i wish we didn't have to be like this...

i wish he still... loved me.

"i'm gonna go then, forget i was ever here."

and like that i left... once again.

i liked this chapter but not the ending.

don't forget to vote!

until next time, peace ❤️!

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