An Orange Van

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Yeah this is chapter 2 haha my sandwich was good though :))


Outside was an orange van....

Was this some kind of hippie pizza delivery guy??!

"Anna!" i hissed and my best friend came bounding over to the front door ."What?!" she breathed when she saw the van

"Ouch!" we heard a voice from the boot of the van " man ! You stood on my toe!" i heard a British voice exclaim.

"Hehe Sorry!.." Another said sounding very awkward.

Me and Anna looked at one another confused before i grabbed the first thing i saw which were my hair straighteners dammit they were cold so i held them above my head in defence putting my most 'don't mess with me' face on (or what i thought it might look like.)

I slowly shuffled towards the van silently sliding around it to the boot while Anna pushed me forwards and looked over my shoulder occasionally.

"Whos there?!" I yelled trying to make it sound menacing but it just came out as a squeak.

The shuffling from the boot stopped .

I tried to remember all the fighting i knew only to realise that i only knew how to hit someone in the balls, we were doomed!

Lets just hope that they are all men. We slowly advanced towards the vans end when suddenly a head topped with curls popped up from the back .

I screamed jumping back and throwing the hair straighteners at their head but sadly i couldn't aim for toffee and it just hit them in the shin.

"Owe! Shit! Bugger! " i heard the english person yell. "What was that for?!" they asked.

"Harry are you okay?"The other voice asked who was still behind the van. "Hazza bear! did you just get beat up by a girl?!" an excited voice called .

Wait. Hazza bear? and those curls? and the British accents? and the orange van? and that fun and excited voice? That was the voice of the boy i dreamed of all the time the boy who belonged to a band i listened to every second of every day....

"Lou! She threw bloody.....Hair straighteners? me! What happened to old friends bond like family !" screamed the boy who was now on the floor throwing his hands in the air to show he was pissed.

Old friends? What?

Then another boy stepped out from behind the van clutching a purple suitcase and helped curly up from the ground .

Then another skipped out he was wearing a stripy shirt ,Curly collapsed into Stripe's chest ."Boo Bear!" he screamed clinging to him like a monkey .

Then two more appeared one with jet black hair styled to perfection he was holding four other suitcase in red ,yellow ,green and blue. Then there was a blond who was happily munching on corn chips.

I gasped.

I knew these boys from somewhere?

The one holding the purple suitcase had a worried look on his face "Hi um I'm Liam and this is Niall ,Zayn, Ha...." he started but i cut him off.

" i know who you are!" i told him i was bloody obsessed with them . "One  D-Direction...." I stuttered.

Liam chuckled.

"AHHHHHHH OMG! You arrived baby! Your so bloody hot!!" i heard Anna scream from behind me as she started running towards the boys. They all stared at her looking like they were waiting for impact. But Anna just ran past them continuing towards a car that had just pulled up across the road .

She turned back around holding brown cardboard boxes to her chest protectively.

"My baby!" she exclaimed happily walking back to us and sitting down on the grass on front of me opening one of the boxes to reveal a peperoni pizza and started chomping.

I was used to this so i looked over at the boys they all looked surprised with a hint of relief apart from the blond one who came skipping over and sat cross legged across from her.

"Can i have a slice?" he asked with a very strong irish accent.

Ha ha Irish dude you'll need all the luck you have Anna never shares.But to my utter shock she shrugged shoving the box closer to him making a help your self motion with her hands. He smiled wider at her before grabbing a slice and together they munched."What the hell!!!?" i bursted into a yell.

Everyone wiped their heads towards me" what?!" Niall asked still eating ." I just found someone who Anna will share her pizza with!" i told them still in shock .

The boys all blinked then bursted out laughing gripping each other and the side of the van for support Anna blushed violently and let her brown hair fall over her face.

Anna blushes? Wow something else new? freaky! "He seemed to like food!" she snapped back.

"um do you know who they are ?" i asked pointing to the boys .She looked at me confused then stared at the boy across from her furrowing her eyebrows ,her eyes suddenly widened.

"Holy shit! "she screamed dropping her pizza. "Your N-Niall H-Horan...... One D-Direction!" she yelled.

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