"Uh ...This Kinda Effects You Too"

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HEEEEEEEEY! How you all doing this fine evening ;) 

Are you excited about halloween? I am ! Im dressing up as Louis Tomlinson!! I told mum this and im like "and i need to get baggy red jeans" and she is like "why i thought his were tight" i shrugged off the thought that my mum knew his were tight and replied "because i need to stick a pillow in the but area" and shes like "why?" and i just simply replied with a" MUM! because his arse is carved by god!!" and walked away ,like a boss ;D

Because that is how cool i am! And you have to agree it is carved by god!! Its bloomin amazing. When i see him im gonna be like to my friend " im gonna go touch the butt!" and go all finding nemo on his ass ;)

anyways this is the new 1d song lyrics , comment below if you know the song and u will get a fan or a dedication :)

"Its not you ,its not me ,

theres a reason

im just trying to read the signals im recieving "

If you know the lyrics comment!!! xxxx

Anna's P.O.V:

We all sat there in shock at what we had heard. 

It had been minutes before anyone spoke when liam finally broke it "We have to get her back" he whspered staring at his hands. All i could stiffle was a nod. I cant believe it , I really hope Dani is okay. What if they did something to her? What if they hurt her? She didnt deserve this, she was such a beautiful, smart and sweet girl. She was our MommaD!

We had to get her back,and we were wasting time! I stood up abutly .

"Lets go work out the other clue and get everything back to where it should be and then hopefully they will lead us to Dani. We can just ask the people if they remember her being with us" I told them ,taking charge.

"Yeah we can do this!" Louis said ,trying to lighten our spirits.

"Yeah . C'mon LiLi, We will get Dani back. I promise" Hollie told Liam rubbing his shoulder.

He smiled weekly at her but stood up ,okay now we just have to orginize the clues.

"Okay now what next?" I asked sifting through everything we had.

"I think we should start with the strip club token, and see if they can give us any clues as to when we were there and if Dani was with us" Liam suggested.

"Yup okay agreed, lets go" Zayn said ,grabbing Perries hand and pulling her towards the door. We all followed and i locked the door after us. Niall waited for me and interthwined our fingers ,smiling at me. I grinned back ,just seeing his face made me smile.

We walked hand in hand to the elvator and as per usual Hollie pushed the button,if we didnt let her she would growl at us. Last time Zayn tried to press it and she bit his hand. So we learned our lesson. 

The elevator dinged signalling us that we had arrived in the lobby. We made our way to the door when someone called us, I turned to see it was the lady behind the desk.

We walked up to her, "Hey, whats up?" I asked. Urg i was not good with talking fancy!

"Yeah um here is your vallet ticket and your room service bill" She told us handing me the papers and walking back into what i presumed was her office. I glanced down at the slips of paper and screamed.

The all looked at me and Harry covered my mouth "what is it?" He hissed still holding my mouth. 

"Luphmcwspenfdph" I mumbled but my english was not understandable. "In english please?" He asked.

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