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Heeeeeeeeey everybody ,just trying to spun like that guys of of the Simpsons . Don't hate :) no jimmy protested! ;)))

Okay so I'm gonna start a thingy were I will write down some song lyrics to a 1d song and u guys have to guess which on it is. And I know you probably won't play but y'know yolo and all that. Eww yolo! I just said yolo.

Anyways here's the song lyrics.

"Circles,we're going in circles,

Dizzies all it makes us,

We know where it takes us, we've been before"

Okay so comment below if you know the lyrics and if you guess it then I will either fan you or dedicate the next chapter to you :D

And I know you guys read this cause its got 200 reads so if you do please take two seconds of your time to press the vote button. Cause I try so hard on these chapters so please just vote if you read :) thank you I love you guys!!! Oh and btw this chapter is kinda based on the hang over. Enjoy :) Xxx

Hollie's P.O.V:

I woke to the sun shining in my face. Urg . Why sent the bloody curtains closed!

I rolled over into something hard and pointy.

I groaned to see it was a lamp. Why the fudge Popsicles was a lamp in my bed?!

I then rolled away from the lamp into something soft . I looked up from my pillow to see it was Louis. 'Oh thank god!' I thought . It could have been so much worse.

I then panicked remembering the last time we got drunk.

I ripped the warm blanket from my body.

Oh thank The Lord again! We were both still fully clothed. Phew!

That little dilemma over.

I rubbed my eyes getting into a sitting position, Only to fall back onto the pillows with a thump.

I groaned mumbling colourful words as my headache soon formed into a migraine .

"Whaa?" I heard Lou mumble beside me .

"Hollie?" He whispered giving me a confused look. He may have whispers but bloody hell could he keep it down!

"Owww Lou! Shush" I told him putting a finger to my lips before burying back under the covers.

"Sorry. But what the actual fuck?!" He asked lowering his voice only slightly.

I groaned rising from the covers again.

"I don't know what happened all I can see is pain front he bloody migraine I have!" I told him giving him a 'I know just as much as you do' look.

He sighed pulling his fingers through his bed head.

"Wait where are the others?" Be suddenly said.

Ahhh shit I wish he would fuckin go back to whispering. Why did I make those drinks so strong ?! Why?!

"I don't know , let's go find them"I told him standing up and rubbing my temples.

A wave of dizziness hit me and I went stumbling towards the dresser going head first, when two strong hands caught me .

"Thanks Lou " I mumbled smiling at him, before wincing at my headache .

He smiled and started pulling me towards the door.

I then felt something crunch under my foot. I looked down to see a carrot.

"Lou why is there a carrot on my bedroom floor?" I asked him pointedly.

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