Candy Floss Cloud!

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Hey guys !

So I've entered the 700 reads mark!! Oh my gosh I like happy danced for hours! Thank you!! As a thanks I'm going to try and make this chapter super longish . I know

My chappies have been really short lately so I'm going back to my old self and making them extra long again! Yay!

This week has been really eventful ,I found out some people that are really close to me cut. I cried, I know people cut and I know it's hard to stop. But it made me cry so much , when they told me why they did . There were 4 of them and all of them said that one of the main reasons was bullying. You guys know if you read my authors note that I Hate hate hate bullying. I can't stand it. So I just wanted to say. I get bullied too. I hate it and I wish I didn't ,but I do. I have friends who are depressed and I know how it feels to see someone at their lowest points and thinking - wow I can't help, I'm useless , i can't fight the bad things in their lives, what do I do?

Well I know how that feels, a person really close to me showed me their cuts and I broke down. It makes me cry every time I think about their arms. I literally hugged them for 10minutes just clinging to her ,crying. I felt so hopeless like there was nothing I could do to make what had happened go away.

So yeah. That's my sad story for the day. And I just wanted to say that if you get bullied or cut or know someone who cuts, and it's all just getting to you. Just know I am here and you can message me ANYTIME I will always reply ,and if you get bullied . Stand strong or as we say here in New Zealand , Kia Kaha. (: xx

Hollies POV:

We all sat down in the limo seats Looking at the Irish boy at the end of the row of seats .

"Okay so here's the plan.." Niall spoke pausing for dramatic effect.

I rolled my eyes and he grinned but continued "...we are going to go get dani, but we are going to dress up as ninjas and talk in Indian accents" he told us smirking ,looking proud of what he had come up with.

Usually by now I would have come up with a witty retort but I was in shock.

What was he talking about?

Was that his genius plan?

I looked at everyone, and their expressions pretty much mirrored mine apart from Perries who was biting her lip trying to hold back a laugh and Liam who looked like his last hope was gone.

I felt bad for Liam ,he really loved dani but it just seemed that the closer we got to finding her ,the farther they would pull her away.

It scared me.

What if we never got her back, the kidnappers were good at what they did.

We were just a bunch of teenagers who didn't have a clue as to what we were doing.



I'm thinking negative again. Dani is our friend, of course we will get her back!

I'm determine to find her!

We will get her back.

I was snapped from my thoughts when harry spoke.

"Nialler really? We need a plan not a game. This is a real live person on the line! So unless your 'plan' gets better i suggest you don't get our hopes up anymore." He said sadly looking at the floor of the limo and sighing.

I nodded ,not really having the energy to say a mean retort about him being a child and just wanting to play dress up.

I just wanted dani back!

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