Busk these people's asses off!!

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"Vas?" I spoke into the speaker in my cellphone.

"Hello again...." A Russian voice said.

I gasped ,dropping my phone onto the seat beside me.

Liam scrambled for the phone frantically "Dani? Dani! Is that you?!" He called into the phone .

His face dropped and I guessed that the guy had spoken and it obviously wasn't Dani.

Liam was in the phone for a minute more while he said a few 'yeah's' and 'no's'.

He finally got off and I had already explained who it was.

"What did he say!?" Harry asked.

"Is dani okay?" Perrie asked ,looking worried for her best friend.

"He said that we should look at our clues again because there is one place we haven't been to and that's it's not like the others... It will lead us to them and we can get Dani back with ..." He trailed off ,gulping "$10,000" he told us.

"Shit !" I said . How were we gonna get that much money.

"We'll let's look at the clue and then we can count all the money we already have from Niall being a stripper" Zayn said taking a jab at niall.

He shivered "don't remind me" he said .

Perrie snatched up her purse from the ground ,pouring the contents on to the table.

We shuffled through all the clues when I came across two in particular that caught my eye.

"Hey what about these?" I asked ,showing them the battered lunatic asylum business card and the other strip club.

"Well he said 'that it was like no other place we've been to' so it can't be the strip club one "Zara pointed out.

"So the lunatic asylum ?" Liam asked.

"Yeah I guess we are going back there then" I told them.

"Now what about the money?" Niall asked, munching on a chicken sub with Anna .

Where did they get that?!

Stop getting destracted!!

"Okay everyone take a pile and start counting!" Liam commanded .

We did as we were told and soon finished.

We added everyone's totals together on my phone and saw that we were $956 short.

"Shit where are we gonna get that?" I asked.

"The credit card?" Anna suggested .

"Good idea!" I said running over to an ATM that was randomly outside the subway.

Minutes later I came slumping back in.

"How much was there on it?" Perrie questioned.

"I don't know... I couldn't get past the 'please enter pin' stage" I told them pouting.

They laughed and I sat back down.

"Well how else can we earn money quickly?" Harry asked.

We say there thinking for another couple of minutes when I -being the genius i am- had an idea .

"Are you serious guys ?! You boys are singers!" I told them stating the obvious .

Then as an after thought added " and so is Perrie !" I exclaimed waving towards them all.

"I see what your saying ! They can go rave their celebrity bank accounts!" Anna said mischievously.

I shook my head "they list their wallets ,remember? I was think more that they could busk...in disguise of course" I told them.

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