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"What you don't remember me ?"

"" Niall replied.

The man sighed, an put his hand on his hip.

"You were smashed ,but my dear little leprechaun !! You my darling were my top stripper ,hon!" He told him grinning.

Niall swallowed loudly ,only to start choking on nothing. Harry leaned forward and patted him on the back.

"Uhm... I'm not a stripper....or gay for that matter" Niall told him, trying not to vomit.

"You sure did a great job last night , our business doubled ,baby!" He told him clapping his hands excitedly.

Niall forced a smile then turned his head towards us 'help me!' He mouthed before fake smiling back at the morning .

"Hey yeah so about that Niall isn't a stripper he was just super drunk, we're sorry" I told him.

"Yeah and we are looking for our friend ,we lost her and don't know where she is. So could you tell us if you remember another one of us here ? And around what time did we leave?" Hollie asked.

"Uh ...ummm... Yeah um you weren't here and neither where you..." The man told us pointing to Hollie and Louis . We looked at each other confusingly.

".... And their was another girl with you, she was sober when she was here and you guys left around 2pm." He finished looking really confused.

What?! So where where Hollie and Louis at the time?!

"Did we say where they went?" Zayn asked.

"Ummmm....I can't really remember but you kept talking about taking them to the nut house , and that you had to pick them up in an hour"he told us .

"Haha! Yeah the nut house always wanted to go there!" Louis exclaimed ,while Hollie high fived him, grinning.

I rolled my eyes. "Sounds about right..." I told him ,smirking .

"So that's what that thing was for the loony bin business card " harry stated.

"Yeah and dani was with us then ..." Liam said trailing off.

"Hey would we be able to show you our clues and could you tell us if any of them are familiar ,mister man?" Hollies asked.

He nodded slightly so I placed all out clues out on the table on front I him.

"Hmmm well that dummy was part of leppys outfit last night.." He told us winking at Niall who shuffled in comfortably.

"Leppy?" Perrie inquired.

"Short for leprechaun ,hon" he told her looking through everything else.

"We'll I suggest u check subway because you didn't eat here and you were complaining you guys were hungry" he told us.

"Good idea!" I told him smiling.

He smiled back handing us out clues back.

"Thank you so much " I told him smiling gratefully.

He nodded not paying attention but looking harry and Louis up and down and licking his lips. Wtf!? He's like 40!!!

'Pedo ', I thought narrowing my eyes.

"Hey if you guys are ever looking for some extra cash here is my number!" He said handing his number to harry.

"Oh sorry but we have no intention of becoming strippers." Louis told him ,taking the number from In between Harry's fingers and placing it in the mans hand again.

But the man had other ideas . He grabbed on to Louis's hand and then whispered in his ear .

"No that's for with me" he said nipping Louis earlobe Inbetween his teeth.

Louis shivered jumping away.

What the fuck did I just witness ?!??!?!

Can you count that as rape? No? I don't think so? Wow. W.t.f?!

"Um well thanks but we have to be going" Louis told him clinging to Harry , who looked equally as scared.

"Yeah thanks again for" Liam told him ,forcing a smile.

I smiled too grabbing Hollie and Zara's hands and starting to drag them towards the door before their boyfriends got raped and my boyfriend got turned into a pole dancer in a nappy again.

"Wait! I forgot something! Wait here!" The man called o us rushing into the back room.

I sighed turning and tapping my foot.

What now?!

Was he going to tell me I had married him?

Or that Perrie had become a stripper too?

What now!?

I just wanted to hurry and get dani back ! She would know what to do!!

The man then walked in ,he was making clucking noises at something we couldn't see because the bar was in the way.

He came round the corner with a blue and pink lamb tied to a green long ribbon like a leash.


"Yeah you left him here the other night" the man told us handing the leash to Zayn .

"Uhm this isn't ours!" He told the man.

"Yes he is! And 'this' had a name !" He scolded Zayn .

"We don't know his name because he isn't ours!" Hollie told him.

"Well Boris isn't any of my responsibility so you can either keep him or I'll dump him in a river later if you'd like?" He said ,in a dead serious tone.


"That's so cruel!" I protested.

"Yeah well karma's a bitch" he told us looking down at his nails , which personally I think he was using so he could look at Louis and Harry's crotches. I'm really worried for their sexual organs....


"Borris?!" I asked confused .

All eyes swivelled to me then looked angrily at Louis .

"Louis! You better hope Hollie doesn't want kids in the future!!" Me and Perrie yelled ,lunging towards him.


Yeah so that's the next chapter. Wow that guy was a pedofile and just to set the record straight I have nothing against gays. I actually have a gay cousin and when a guy in my class was being homophobic I yelled at him and got a transfer . Which is like you get sent out of class to an other one . So yeah...

Anyways comment vote fan because I spend so much time in these story's ! And I know you are there because of the reads. So please just take 3 seconds right now to vote ! Xxxx ily and I decided not to play the game today as I'm tired and nobody played :((( hurtful :D luckily I recover quickly ;) xxxxx

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