Nobody loves you, and nobody ever will...

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Harry's POV


"Baby I have something for you.."I told Zara rolling over on the bed so I was on my tummy looking at her.

She gave me a...fake smile?

"What is it?" She asked looking at me with curious eyes. She has such beautiful eyes....

I sighed happily and smiled, how did I get such a perfect girlfriend?... Like seriously...

I reached into my pocket and brought out the velvet red box and held it out to her. She gasped and covered her mouth shaking her head.

I smiled and clicked open the box flashing the sparkly diamond encrusted ring.

"Zara love, this is not me proposing to you don't worry. But one I say I hope to, but right now we are way to young. This is a promise ring. A promise to you that I will never ever hurt you intentionally, a promise that I won't ever cheat, or lie , or ever stop loving you. Zara Price I love you and I want you to e mine for ever. So please have this ring e cause I love you with all my heart and..." I spoke pouring out my heart with happy tears until she cut me off.

"Harry! Please stop. I can't do this please. Stop." She sobbed looking at me with guilty eyes and tears streaming down her face.

"What? What do you mean you cant? I love you Zara.." She again cut me off from my reasoning and panicking.

"Harry! I'm in love with someone else! I've been seeing someone else!" She exclaimed putting her head in her hands. Her whole body was shaking.

I blinked, shocked. The box fell from my hands onto the sheets below while I just sat there with tears in my eyes and regret and hurt probably clear on my face.

I loved her. Well I thought I did. How could she do this to me? What did I do wrong? Why would she feel the need to cheat? Who did she cheat with? Was I not good enough? Of course I wasnt. Nobody that perfect deserves me...

I looked down at the ring seeing the little engraved writing 'be mine forever & always' in little italics. One tear dropped from my eye, staining the sheet below a darker shade of white.

Looking up at her I asked the one word I could process.

"W-why?.." I stuttered out. It came out as a whisper but she heard it.

She looked up at me from her hands "I'm so sorry harry he was....just so we kinda did it...I'm so sor-" she explained before I cut her off suddenly finding power in my voice.

"I DON'T WANNA FUCKEN HERE YOUR EXCUSES! I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING BETTER THAN THAT!!" I screamed , a sudden wave I anger washing over me and rushing through my veins. I clenched my fists standing up and towering over her as she flinched back.

(Present time , in kitchen)

I ran into the kitchen when a sudden wave of emptiness, hurt and weakness hit me making me fall to my knees. I gripped the counter trying to pry myself upwards using ally he strength I could concur up. I failed falling to my knees again.

The pain in my heart was too much I couldn't stand it. It made my heart beat faster, my vision fuzzy and my brain un-certain. I couldn't feel anything but emptiness.

"Harry mate are you okay?" Liam asked from behind me kneeling down with me and holding me.

Of course I wasn't okay. Did I look okay? Cause I didn't feel okay. I felt hurt and weak.

"Hazza it will be okay. It's okay. Everything will be okay" Louis hummed to me as he brought me into a hug, rocking me back and forth while I clung to him staining his red shirt with water drops.

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