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Louis's P.O.V:


I felt my eye lids get heavy and suddenly I felt really sleepy.

I clung to Hollie trying to support us both ,but I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

I suddenly fell backwards unable to hold on any longer.

Seconds later I fell into complete darkness.

*end of flashback*

I woke up ,fluttering my eyes as all I could see was fog.

"Louis! Are you okay mate?" I heard someone ask, worry was clear in their voice but I still couldn't make out who it was.

I rubbed my eyes a little clearing the cloud of mist covering my eyes.

I saw Liam ,Zayn and Harry were leaning over me.

I was in the limo and with a blanket thrown over me .

I felt the presence of someone beside me but I couldn't tell who it was.

I tried to look around at my surroundings but my neck was cramped and I couldn't move it without pain.

A sudden realisation hit me .

What the fuck happened?!

Why did it happened ?!

How did it happen?!


What happened to Hollie?!..

I chose to ask the most important first.

"Wh-where is Ho-Hollie?" I asked, my voice merely came out a whisper.

"She's alright lad, she's right there" Zayn told me pointing to the person beside me.


"She still hasn't woken ,but she is just really in a deep sleep." Harry told me.

Now that I knew it was Hollie a used all the strength in my limp arms and pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around get waist protectively .

"Wh-why?" I whispered again.

They understood what I meant.

"I think the carrots did that to you guys" Liam told us.

That's wierd?

Carrots are our friends?


The Russian guys said that their would be our weaknesses...

"That man! He did this!" I yelled finding strength in my voice, which powered my anger as I waved my hand towards Hollies sleeping face.

She looked peaceful ...

"That would make sense..." Liam said ,thinking about it.

"Hmmmm...boo...bear?" I heard someone mumble from beside me.

"Hollie ?" I questioned , it sounded like her but a much tired and weaker her.

"What happened....why?...I'm do confused....and tired" she told us ,snuggling closer in my arms.

"The guy took my weakness and used it against us....the carrots where poisoned ." I told her ,stroking her hair.

"Weakness?" She questioned.

"Yeah the carrots ,who knows what he'll use next" I told her ,getting worried.

"Do you think he will use mine?" She asked sounding frantic.

"What you weakness?" I quizzed.

"No! What I fear!" She told me ,widening her eyes.

"What's that? What are you scared of?" I asked ,pulling her closer, trying to get we to calm down .

"This is gonna sound weird but i have a phobia of whales" she mumbled, sounding sheepish.


How do you get a phobia of whales?!

"Whales?" Harry question .

"Oh my god!" Liam said ,starting to Laugh hysterically.

"We'll at least I'm not scared of a kitchen utensil !" She shot back with a cheeky grin.

Liam stopped laughing , while all of us just laughed at him.

I sobered up" don't worry I'll protect you" I told Hollie ,grabbing her hand and stroking it .

She smiled weakly.

"Wait ! Where are the others?"


Yo! So me and Anna (my sister) are stuck in the rain and mums being a bitch and won't come get us.


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