Why Are You Screaming?!!

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Heey guuuys howdy haha well this is the new chapter and i would just like to say you guys are bloody AWESOME!!! I have gained 4 followers on twitter in a day thank you if any of you guys followed me :)

Im really exsuasted right now because well my mum likes to nag (she is like a nagaholic) so she made me this list i have to do in the week and it is bloody huge so yeah haha anyways i actually cant think of anything else to say so im just gonna do random out bursts of words that wierdly amuse me ;)



The next morning i woke up and had a sudden pain in my head great a head ache ! Just what i need ! I groaned and rolled over only to come face to face with an angel faced shirtless boy in my bed sleeping!

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" i screamed .

His grey eyes came flying open as he fell back wards out off the bed screaming as well.

"Why are you sceaming?!" The boy yelled .

I relized it was just Louis when a feathery haired head popped up over the edge of the bed. Why was Louis Tomlinson in my bed?

"Why were you in my bed!!??"I asked rubbing my temples as all the screaming had seriously not helped my headache .Urgg.

"Cause you asked me to stay?"He told me raising an eyebrow.

Fuck. "Oh..."I trailed off. Akward turtle me thinks.

"Where are the others?"I asked ."They all went to get breakfast at starbucks ,I was gonna go with them but you kept clinging to me and wouldnt let me go ....also you kept saying 'your carrots mine'" he told me trying not to burst out laughing and giving me a cheeky wink.I flushed crimson.

"Sorry sometimes i sleep talk" I told him bowing my head in embarrassment. Akwarder turtle.

"Nah it was fine ,kinda cute actually" He said climbing back under the covers and snuggling down.

"Um you can leave now, you know?" i told him hoping he'd take the hint and get the fuck outta my bed .

"Nah its okay im quite comfy right now " he told me snuggling down deaper under the covers with his back to me and his eyes closed.

"Why cant you just leave me alone!? Like last night you kept picking on me or purposly trying to embarrass me and now you keep trying to bug me!!"I bursted yelling at the back of his head and throwing my hands up in the air and slapping them back down on my thighs.

He rolled over and sat up looking me i the eyes with his beautiful irises. "Dont you already know the answer to that?" he asked.

"No ! Is it that you like to annoy me?!" I asked. He sighed ."I dont try to annoy you, its just i get nervous around you"He mumbled looking down at his hands which were placed in his lap.

"Me? Why do you get nervous around me!?" i asked shocked, well that wasnt the answer i was thinking.

"Because......I.....I....like....you"He mumbled i could barely hear him haha it sounded like he said i like you .

"What?"i asked since for once when i wanted to know something he was quiet but every other time he was as loud as a machine gun.

"I LIKE YOU!!"He yelled.

ME?! Louis Tomlinson likes me?The Louis Tomlinson?Of One Direction?Likes me....

"YOU like ME?"Not believing my ears.Maybe i was dreaming?Yeah that will be it ,im dreaming!

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