The perfect end to a horrible morning.

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Hey guys , this is the next chapter. 2 votes for the next one and I episode just like to say thanks for reading and all that! :) I've decided if you fan me I will fan you. For the next week . I will fan anyone who fans me. Thanks. Enjoyx


I woke up the next morning and sat up stretching out and flopping again looking up at the wooden cage of Zara's bunk bed above me.

We had moved into the tour buss now because our hotel room was trashed.

Thankfully management payed to get it fixed.

So here we are.

Eleven grown adults bunk beds....Very good for le sexy time....I had to listen to Anna and Niall 'getting jiggy with it' in the bunk bed below me .

They actually didn't care that's we are all in the same room just in different single beds . I feel bad for harry who had to watch all of that going down, since he was in the bed across from Anna's...

I shivered thinking about it before feeling my stomach churn again. Oh shit.

I jumped from my bunk bed below Zara's and above Anna's ,and ran to the little toilet in the tour bus. Not bothering to shut the door I quickly dropped to my knees and hurled up all the food I had eaten previously.

I groaned loudly leaning my head on my arms which were leaning on the toilet seat. I was passed caring about germs. I was too fucking weak.

I then felt my stomach do an un-natural flip again and braced myself over the toilet bowl again and began puking .

I felt the presence of someone behind me but I couldn't turn to look as to who they were .

I felt a hand on my back rubbing my back soothingly and another hand pull my blond waves from my face.

Once I'd finished I just flopped backwards and sunk down against the wall by the sink in the little cubicle.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the wall behind me.

This had been happening all week I just kept waking up and spewing my guts up. I hadn't drunk anything since yesterday night so I wasn't hung over .

I could be ill maybe?

I sighed and peaked open my eyes to see and very worried looking Louis crouched down on his knees and holding my hand.

"Hollie baby? Are you okay?" He murmured stroking a strand of hair from my sweat covered forehead and tucking it behind my ear.

I nodded weakly "yeah I'm fine just a little stomach upset ,could you get me some water though?" I asked him.

He smiled and stood up "ill be right back" he promise before running of through to the tour bus kitchen.

I groaned again as I felt pain in my stomach and licked my lips wincing at the taste of vomit that lingered on them.

This was the first time someone had noticed me when I had vomited this week and I was so thankful for that. I hated when people worried over me for nothing important.

I glanced up as Louis came back in with a bottle of water and a box of tablets.

He sat down cross legged beside me and popped the bottle cap before handing it to me.

I smiled and sipped some water, quenching the thirst I use to have in my throat and freeing myself from the gross vomit flavour.

He then handed me 2 tablets and I swallowed them down with water.

Once I'd finished he took my water placing the cap on again and then gave it back to me before picking me up bridal style.

Usually I would have protested ( like jimmy (; )and struggled but this time I was just too weak. So I just leaned into his chest breathing in his carroty scent. I didn't know carrots actually had a scent till I met Louis.

He gently set me back down on my bed again and then lay down beside me slinging his arm around me and pulling the blankets over us both.

I snuggled into him while he kissed my forehead and stated humming a song under his breath.

I smiled listening to him and trying to work out what song it was. I soon reconsider it as wonder wall by oasis.

I love this song. I'm a huge oasis fan actually so soon I started to hum along with him starting to drift back to sleep.

He kissed my cheek one last time before I felt myself be engulfed into a peaceful darkness , dreaming of carrots, stripes and a blue-grey eyed boy.


Remember 2 votes for next chapter :) drama is around the next corner. Hard out drama ...sorry for the filler chapter though :) x

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