𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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(I literally spelled "Prologue" wrong. I'm so fucking dumb)

𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚢𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
Hello, My name is Stokeley Goulbourne. Today I start going to Piper High School. I don't have friends because I don't talk to people. I'm what you would call, 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥. I guess that's enough information. I got out of bed so I could take a shower. I wanted to look like the other boys so I grabbed my pink and white Supreme long sleeve, purple bape shorts, a bape hat, white socks, and a black durag. I sat the clothes down and turned on my shower.

I wanted to smell like the other guys, so I used Swagger Red Zone body wash from Old Spice. The whole reason I'm going to a new school is because people would bully me because I'm an intersex. I don't wanna be one but I am. And another reason they bullied me is because I'm gay. Anyways, enough of that. I finished scrubbing myself with my red loofah so, I washed the body wash off, and turned off the shower.

I grabbed the towel off the shower curtain rod and wrapped it around my whole entire body. I'm more feminine but I can't show it at this new school. I don't wanna get bullied again. I sighed and went to go brush my teeth before I put any clothing on. I squirted a little amount of Colgate onto my blue toothbrush. I wet the toothpaste and start brushing my teeth. Once I was finished brushing my teeth, I unwrapped the towel to put on some Cocoa Butter lotion on my legs so I don't appear ashy.

After that, I put on all my clothes and tie my durag. I walked out the bathroom and slide on my Gucci slides after I put on my white socks. I guess I look pretty straight.


I went downstairs to see my mom sitting at the island in the kitchen drinking coffee

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I went downstairs to see my mom sitting at the island in the kitchen drinking coffee. She looked at me and said "C'mon baby. I don't want you to be late on the first day." I nodded while grabbing a granola bar. We walked out the house and got in the car.

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"Bye baby. Have a wonderful day. If anything goes wrong, call me. Ok?" My mama said as I opened the car door. "Yes ma'am. I love you mama." I said. She said "I love you too baby. I'll pick you up at 3:00." I nodded and sighed as she drove away. I looked at the school then looked down. I started walking towards the doors as my anxiety darted through the roof. As I'm walking to the office to get my schedule, I bumped into someone. All their papers fell and I fell and landed right on my butt.

I looked up and around me frantically. People started pointing at me and laughing as the boy I bumped into looked very upset. "WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE GOING, BITCH!" He yelled at me. I started tearing up and said "I-I-I'm so sorry." "Uh-Uh-Uh Ole stuttering ass. PICK MY SHIT UP!" He mocked me. I started crying as I nodded and picked his stuff up. I shoved it in his arms and ran to the bathroom.

I quickly shut the door. About 20 seconds later, the door swung open. It was the boy that yelled at me. He walked up to me and grabbed me by my neck. He shoved me into a wall and said "Who the fuck do you think you are?! I'll beat your fucking ass!" I whimpered and said "Please let me go. I said I was sorry." He laughed at the fact I was crying. My dad used to do this to me. After he found out I was gay, he started abusing me.

"Please stop. L-L-Let me go please." I said as I cried. He dropped me to the floor as I winced in pain. I brought my knees to my chest and started shaking. He shook his head at me and left. I heard a bell ring so, I got up and wiped my tears. I made my way to the office to get my schedule. Some white lady with ugly makeup and brown curls asked me "What's your name, hun?" "Stokeley Goulbourne." She nodded and said "Have a seat suga, someone will be down here to show you around." I went and found a seat as I heard her say "Please send Jahseh Onfroy down to the Secretary's office to escort a new student around school." into her phone.

It was him. The same boy that was just choking me. He mean mugged me then did a hand motion for me to follow him. "Give me your schedule" he mumbled. I quickly got the paper and handed it to the boy, who I'm guessing is named Jahseh. He snatched it and scanned over it. He yanked me by my arm as I whimpered "Please..." He looked at me and said "Come the fuck on damn." I nodded and followed. He pointed at rooms then pointed at places on the paper. I don't understand.

"Now leave me the fuck alone." He grumbled. That pissed me off. As he was walking away, I yelled "THIS ISNT MY FUCKING FAULT YOU MAD BITCH. WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO YOU?!" He slowly turned around and gave me a death glare. Oh shit.


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