𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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𝙹𝚊𝚑𝚜𝚎𝚑𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟

This nigga think I'm fucking playing with him. I walked up to him and pushed him. He stumbled backwards but the wall caught him. I got face to face with him and said "Nigga you think I'm fucking playing. Don't fucking talk to me because I'm this close to beating the fuck out of you. Keep fucking playing and I'ma beat the shit out of you."

He looked like he was about to shit himself. He nodded rapidly. "Now get the fuck out of my face." I said while pointing down the hallway. He nodded again and speed walked away. I watched as he turned the corner. I let out a huff as I dusted myself off and started walking to class. I turned the corner to see that boy I was just talking to, knocking on the class door that I go to. I facepalmed myself and started walking towards him.

I stood behind him and I heard him mutter "Oh my fucking god. Can these niggas not hear or something?" I let out a small chuckle as he banged on the door. Someone finally answered the door. We walked in and the teacher looked at us. "Jahseh, you're always late to my class. And who are you, young man?" She asked. He whispered "M-My name i-is-is Stokeley." She looked at him for a minute before nodding and saying "Well Stokeley, go sit by Jahseh." The teacher told him.

"W-Who?" He asked. "Jahseh, raise your hand." The teacher told me. I raised my hand. He looked around and when his eyes landed on me, he looked like he was gonna shit himself. "Go on." The teacher told him, pushing him forward. He slowly walked towards the seat beside me. I gave him a mischievous look while patting his seat. He finally was standing in front of the seat. I moved my hand so he could sit down. Once he sat down, he put all his belongings on the ground.

The teacher began talking about something but, I zoned out and started looking out the window while listening to my music. I love music. I listen to music all the time. When I wake up, when I get ready for school, on the bus, at school, in the shower, when I'm sleep, everywhere I go I listen to music. I seen people standing up and packing there things so I took my headphones out. "Sit down you guys, we have a project due in 5 months so I'm partnering you kids up." The teacher announced.

Everyone, including me, groaned and sat back down. "Ok! So, Jeremiah is with Lavita, Veronica is with Lucas, Tia is with Tamera, Jawsay is with Stocklee, Russ is with Omar, Gazzy is with Gustav, Jazz is with Symere, and Peter is with Nevaeh." She said. Oh my fucking god. Why do I always gotta be with this anorexic chocolate stick. Got damn. "You are now dismissed." The teacher said.

<•𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩•>

So, school was finally over. I felt someone tap on my shoulder. It was that anorexic chocolate stick lookin ass boy. Ain't his name Stocking. Something like that. "What nigga?" I asked irritated as I rolled my eyes. "I-I need y-y-your number." He said as he looked at the floor. I tore off a piece of paper from his book and took his pen out his hand. I wrote my number on there and shoved it in his hand. I sticked the pen in his book and said "Don't text me or call me unless it's for this dumb ass project." I said while looking in his eyes, showing that I'm not playing games.

He nodded and walked outside. I walked out too so I could get in my car. I seen him hop in a black 2019 Cadillac XTS. Nice car. I pulled my keys out as I walked towards my black BMW. I opened my door and jumped in. I put my keys in the ignition and backed out the parking spot.  Skip Drive. I pulled in my driveway. I say mine because I live alone. I have a brother and a mom but my mama kicked me out because I was a bad example for my little brother, Aiden. I still get to see him but only 5 times a year. My mom doesn't like me but she said she'll always love me.

Liar. Anyways, I parked my car and took my keys out the ignition. I grabbed my backpack and hopped out my car. I walked up to my door and unlocked it. My life is pretty depressing. Everyday is the same. I wake up, brush my teeth, take a shower, eat, go to school, go home, eat tv dinner, take a shower, cry, write in my journal, and go to sleep. I would like to eat something different but I'm a 17 year old without a job, living by themselves. I don't even have any friends.

I would like to have friends but nobody wants to be my friend. I heard my phone ding. I was confused but I picked it up.

Is this Jahseh?

Yes🙄 What do you want?!

I was telling you that the project is about Africa because I seen you weren't paying much attention.

Ok you could've told me at school stupid

I'm sorry


I exited out of iMessage and went to the kitchen. I got some doritos and sat on my couch. Hopefully my life changes when I grow up. I don't wanna live like this for my whole entire life. Hopefully I find the right girl. Some girls just throw themselves at me and when I reject them, they get mad and I only reject them because they all seem fake and mean as fuck. I hope I can find the right one.


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