𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

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(I'm gonna start updating regularly now that I'm back)

𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚢𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
I woke up in someone's arms. "What the fuck?" I said confused. I look over to see Jahseh. I start panicking and look under to see if we hadn't did anything. Fortunately, we didn't. I slowly got out if his grip to see my phone on the nightstand beside me. I stretched over to grab it and check the time. It was 4:13AM and I wasn't home. "Shit!" I accidentally screamed, which woke Jahseh up. "What?" He asked in a groggily tone. "It's 7 hours past my curfew." I said while tearing up.

"It's ok, just go back to sleep and we can figure the rest out when we wake up. He said while bringing the blanket back up. "B-But I don't want her thinking I'm a w-whore." I said while breaking down. "Hey, Hey, Hey. She won't think you're a whore because I'll explain to her why you weren't at home." He said soothingly. "Why are you so nice all of a sudden." I asked while wiping my eyes with my sleeves. "Well, I met this girl." "Oh.." I said disappointed. I always get the wrong idea. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, lets go back to sleep." I said while turning over and laying back down. I felt him pull me closer which caused me to smile a bit. I went back to sleep in his chest.


"Well I need clothes, Jahseh. You're a whole foot taller than me, I can't fit your shit." I said irritated. "Aye, I don't know who the fuck you getting an attitude with but I know damn well it ain't me." He said irritated as well. "I am talking to you, Jahseh On-fucking-froy." I said while looking him in his eyes. "Now take me to my fucking house." I continued while grabbing my backpack. "Bitch, you not gonna keep on talking to me like that. I'm sick of your shit Stokeley. I just try to be nice to you and you just act like a lil bitch." Jahseh raised his voice while walking towards me and poking my chest with his finger.

"Can we go now. I don't got time for your bipolar shit." I said while looking down at my nails. He smacked my hands down and pushed me. "Let's fucking go." He said with an attitude. I was about to yell at him for pushing me but he started talking. "Vro, hurry the fuck up. Ion got time to be late cause yo stupid ass." I was honestly offended so I just shut up and got in the car. The drive so far was silent. I was too scared to speak because I don't want him to yell at me. "Listen, I'm sorry about how I acted." He said while looking at me for a quick second then back at the road. "It's ok. I was being a bitch and I didn't realize it." I said truthfully. "No you weren't." He said while pulling into my driveway.

We both got out the car and walked up the sidewalk and onto the porch. I nervously looked at Jahseh and he just gave me a reassuring  smile. I finally got the courage to knock. "Comiiiiing." I heard my mother yell. Soon, she was unlocking and opening the door. "Stokeley, where have you been? You had me worried sick." I looked at Jahseh and nudged him. He told her exactly what we were doing. "Ok. But Stokeley, please check in with me before you go to someone's house. Ok?" She looked at me while grabbing both of my hands softly with hers.

"Yes Ma'am." I said before hugging her. Me and Jah went upstairs so I could change and we could go to school. "Stay in here, I'll be right back." I said before before walking into the bathroom attached to my room. I changed into the clothes in a hurry because I don't want us to be late. I walked out to find Jahseh going through my dressers. He was about to open my drawer full of my lace bras and thongs. "Hey!" I shouted making him quickly turn around. "Don't go through my stuff please." I said while putting my dirty clothes in the hamper. "Ok." He said.

^*+kinda proofread+!<
(A/N: I'm most likely gonna make the oneshot book later on tonight because of ✨Insomnia✨

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