𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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(longer than usual)

𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
Right now I'm sitting beside Jahseh in 4th period. He hasn't been as rude as usual, which I'm thankful for. We still have to work together on our project and I keep telling him but he's always "busy". It's starting to become annoying because I just wanna pass this class then get the fuck outta school. "Stokes, you wanna come over my house so we can work on this project?" Jahseh asked me kindly. "Uh S-s-sure." I said stuttering. Now I'm really confused because his first impression was rude, disrespectful, and angry. The bell rung, indicating that it was time to head to 5th period. "Meet up with me at the front of the school, ok?" Jahseh asked. "Ok." I said, before standing up and gathering my things to leave the classroom.

~Front of School~

I stood in the front of the school waiting on Jahseh. That's when I seen him walk out the school doors looking around confused. His eyes landed on me before he got a better grip on his backpack strap and started walking towards me. "C'mon." He said while nodding his head down one of the parking lot entries. Soon we arrived to a matte black BMW i8. He unlocked the car so I could open my door. I opened it then took my backpack off to toss it in the back like he did. I sat down and shut my door before buckling my seatbelt.

"You want something to eat before we head to my place?" He asked, looking towards me while putting his keys in the ignition. "Y-Yeah." I said. "Where to?" "McDonalds p-please." I need to work on that stuttering shit.

We arrived at the McDonalds and I already told him what I wanted. "Hi, Welcome to McDonalds. How may I help you?" "Um, Can I get a 10 piece nugget, Medium Fry, A McChicken, and 2 Sprites?" Jahseh said to the lady. "Your total will be $10.05." He shifted the gear and drove up to the next window. "$10.05." Some black dude said waiting for Jahseh to hand him the money. He handed him the exact amount of money and the dude gave him a receipt. We drove up to the next window. We waited for about 2 minutes before someone came to the window. "Here's your food, sir." A girl with black and purple box braids said while handing Jahseh his food.

"Thanks." He said while sitting the food in my lap. "No problem, sir. You two have a nice day." She said before Jahseh drove off. We made our way to his house. While he was driving, I tried to sneak in the bag and eat some fries. I looked at him as I slowly slid my hand into the bag so the bag wouldn't make a lot of noise. I couldn't find a fry so I looked down in the bag to see where they were. "Hey nigger, leave my food alone." I heard Jahseh say before he grabbed the bag out of my lap. I pouted as he looked at me and chuckled. I grabbed my Sprite and took a sip. Now we were at his house.

He turned the car off and handed me the bag of food. I took it and opened my door so I could get out the car. I moved the seat up so I could reach back and grab my backpack. I wanted to be kind so I moved my backpack up my shoulder and grabbed his backpack as well. I scooted the seat back to its original orientation before shutting the door. I looked up to see Jahseh opening his door with his key. I walked around the car then up the steps into his house. It looked really nice. The living rooms theme colors was White and Gray. I studied what I would say so I wouldn't stutter as much. "Ni-ice house." I said. "Thanks." He said while looking around. "Cmon." He said while making a hand movement, telling me to follow him.

We walked up the stairs and into his room. The comforter on the bed was messed up but other than that, his room was clean. We sat on his King Sized bed and I took my backpack off and grabbed my MacBook Air. "So, we're doing this on Word or Google Docs" He asked while getting his laptop from his dresser. "Go-Google Docs." I said while opening my laptop.

"Can we take a break? We've been working for an hour." Jahseh groaned. He's been trying to take a break since we started working. "Sure Jahseh." I said while chuckling and looking at the floor. "Thank you." He said dramatically, while sitting up. "What you wanna do?" He asked while stretching. "I don't know." I said without stuttering. "I got a PS4, you wanna play 2K with me?" He asked while standing up. "Sure." I don't usually play those types of games. I usually play Little Big Planet 3, GTA 5, and Fortnite. He handed me a black controller and he had a black and blue controller.
"Stokeley, you suck ass at this." He said while chuckling. It was the 3rd quarter and the score was 70-24. You can guess who's losing. "Well I don't play these type of games." I said while rolling my eyes. He looked at me like he was about to say something but he didn't. He looked back at the game. "I don't know how to shoot the ball." I whined. "Lemme show you." Jahseh said before scooting over towards me. "Here." He said while grabbing my controller out of my hands. "So you hold this button, but only for about 1 second then you let go." He said while sitting very closely beside me. "O-Ok." I said nervously.

I grabbed the controller back. He was right behind me, breathing on my neck. I blushed before doing as he said. I held down the button then let go. It went in and I made three points. "YAYYYY! Thank you Jahseh!" I exclaimed before turning around and giving him a big hug. He laughed before saying, "You're Welcome." He started rubbing my back as I stared at his neck, feeling myself grow tired. I let my eyes close while I had my head on his shoulder still.

+*!not proofread!*+
(A/N: I made this longer because I've been gone for a while. I've been thinking about making a oneshot book about slumptacion but I don't know when, sometime this month though. Some chapters will be based on songs and others would be made up from my mind Yes, this idea was sorta inspired by rarevery so I don't wanna hear anyone saying I stole there stuff. And I can't log in on my IG so I don't know what the fuck to do. This is a long ass authors note but, have a nice day.)

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