𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 + (𝐀/𝐍)

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𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚢𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
We were on our way to school. I was playing a game on my phone as Jahseh was lowly rapping to the song that was playing while bopping his head. I feel like I've warmed up to Jahseh since I literally fell asleep in his arms. "Stokeley." Jahseh said, catching my attention. "Yea." I said. "What's on your mind?" He asked while taking a quick glance at me before looking back at the road. "Nothing much, really." I said trying to act casual. I think I'm developing a crush. He has a girlfriend though. "You're lying." He said simply. "No I'm not." I said in a defensive tone.

"Yes you are. Why can't you tell me?" He asked in a whiny tone. I smile before saying "I'm telling you right now." He made a whining sound while looking out his window. "No you're not." He said while stretching out 'not'. We were pulling into a parking lot. Jahseh presses the P button and I was finna open my door until he said, "Hold on". I turned back around to face him. "Yea?" I asked curiously. "Look, you know you can tell me anything, right?" He asked with his hands on my shoulders while looking me directly in my eyes. "Y-Yea." I said nervously. "I don't think you understand, Stokeley. If you wanna tell me anything, I'll be there. I know I wasn't the kindest in the beginning but I've changed. I've worked on controlling my anger so if I still seem scary and mean to you, I'm not. I'm not going to force it out of you but I'm here. Ok?"

"Ok Jahseh." I said. I can't tell him I like him. He'll just laugh and call me gay. I know he isn't gay cause he has a girlfriend. Wonder who. "And don't forget, meet me here after school cause we still working on the project. And my girlfriend will be coming over because she knows a lot about Africa even though she dropped out." He told me. "Ok." I said. I'm finna find out who his girl is.

Skip School

I walked out the doors and seen Jahseh looking at me with his hands in his bape shorts as he leaned against the car. I looked at the ground and smiled. I looked back up at him to find him smiling at me as well. I walked to the side of the car and opened the door. "How was you're day?" He asked as he put the keys in the ignition. "It was alright." I said while sighing softly. He nodded and started driving to his house. We decided not to get anything to eat right now. He picked up his phone and said "Hey Siri, call Jenesis." There was a short pause before Siri said, "Calling Jenesis, Red Heart, Red Heart, Peach, Water Dropplets on speaker." I looked over at him and he looked at me like he was embarrassed. I just laughed even though on the inside, I was mad as hell.

"Hey baby?" I heard a soft girls voice through his phone. "Hey babe, you almost at my place?" Jahseh asked while looking at the road. "Yea. I'm down the street." She said. "Ight see you in a few." He said while turning his steering wheel left. "Ok. Bye." She said before hanging up. Soon enough we were at his house and a black Lincoln was in his driveway. I heard the music playing from inside the car. We got out the car and walked up to the girls door. Jahseh knocked on the window which surprised Jenesis. She had beautiful brown hair. Once she turned around I seen the blunt in her hand.

She put it out and said "I just lit it up bae." She turned her car off and opened the door. Once she got out, Jahseh hugged her. She is really pretty though. "Hi, you must be Stokeley." She said as Jahseh let her go and walked to the steps leaving me and Jenesis alone. "Y-Yeah." I said. "Don't be nervous. I won't bite." She said while nudging me. I smiled. She looked up at me and said "What's wrong. You look sad. If I did something, I can g-" I cut her off by saying "It's good. You're fine." She nodded and said "Are you gay?" I chocked on air and asked "Why would you ask me that?" She looked at me and said "I can see the strap of your thong."

I looked down to see my shirt slightly pulled up, showing my neon green thong. "Shit!" I whisper-yelled while quickly pulling down my shirt. "Ok yes but please, please, please, don't tell anybody." I begged her. "What's wrong with being gay?" She asked while wrapping her arm with mine as we walked up the stairs. "People at my old school bullied me because I was gay." I said sadly.

"Oh no. I'm sorry." She said before hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back. "But please don't tell Jahseh." I said. "You said tell nobody. I wouldn't tell Jahseh if you didn't want me to." She said sweetly. We were standing in the living room waiting for Jah to come back with the sodas. "Here y'all go." He said giving us both Sprites.

*+^not proofread*+^



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