𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚢𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
I laid back in my bed as the music blasted throughout my room. Tomorrow was Monday, which meant I had to go back to school. "I know that you want me, you know that I want you, the memories haunt me, I know that they haunt you, too but it's alright, you'll be fine." blasted through the speakers, but not too loud. Today I was sad. I've been thinking about Micheal lately. I wonder if he's out here manipulating and raping other boys. My mom wasn't here so I had the chance to get some trapped emotions out. I've listened to music and cried for 3 hours. I just don't understand how someone could be so cold hearted and rape an innocent person.

I would've told my mom but I think that she'll think I'm lying just like my friends did. My dad believed Micheal when Micheal said I consented, which sent my dad into an outrage. He thought it was a little 'phase' and I'll 'get over it'. Once he heard that I 'took that dick', he started beating me and verbally abusing me. The only one I actually have that is there for me is my dog, Pup. Pup was there for me when I was happy, sad, depressed, excited, all of it. He's laying on the foot of my bed right now asleep. I love him and he loves me. I've had him ever since I was 6 and now I'm 16. He's a dachshund and I love that because he'll live longer but when the day comes, he'll still be here with me mentally.

𝙹𝚊𝚑𝚜𝚎𝚑𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
(heterosexual sex scene. skip ahead if you want)

I thrusted in and out of her sweet tight abyss, watching her pussy engulf my dick. She had her head pointing towards the ceiling as she moaned softly. "Let it all out, Mamas." I said, bringing my thumb down to her pink nub to massage it gently. After I said that, she started moaning louder while making eye contact with me. This gave me determination so I started slamming into her heat. "J-Jah, please." She said, dragging out please and stammering on her words from all the pleasure. "You wan' me to go faster, harder, or both?" I asked looking at her for an answer.

"Both." She moaned. "Ight." I said before tightly grabbing her waist. I started slamming into her faster causing her to moan loudly in pleasure and pain. This feeling was euphoric. "Cmon baby. You-You got this." I said, groaning towards the end. "Yes, Yes, Yes, Daddy." She basically screamed. "Cum baby." I said. Within 3 seconds we both came. I came inside her while moaning and she came while moaning as well. "You on the pill, right?" I asked pulling out of her watching our cum come together. She nodded her head. "Look at my babies." I said lifting up her leg so she could she my babies ooze out of her shaved pussy.

I sat down and told her,"Come ride this shlong." She obeyed and got off the bed. She sat on my lap with her back facing me, scooting back so her ass hovered over my hard penis. I heard her say "Hold it." So that's what I did. I held my dick up as she slowly slid down on it. She tightly gripped my thighs before slamming her self down, which surprised me. I groaned as I heard her beautiful soft moan. She swirled her hips clockwise while bouncing up and down gently. "I l-l-love thi-s" She said while slowly rocking and swirling her hips. "You got this baby." I said while putting my hands on her hips. "Lay down." She said breathing hard. I scooted back slowly before laying down while looking at the ceiling.

I felt her spin around on my dick which felt amazing. I softly moaned. What? If it feels good I'm gonna moan. She grabbed ahold of my shoulder before looking down at me, into my eyes. She started grinding on my dick while still looking down in my eyes while I looked up into hers. I seen tears of pleasure start streaming down her face as she moaned quickly. One of them fell onto my chest before she threw her head back and started rubbing her clit. "When I say cum, cum. Ok?" I asked while taking ahold of her hips. She nodded her head slowly with her eyes clenched shut and head pointing the ceiling as she started rubbing her clit harder.

"Words." I said sternly. "Yes daddy." She yelled while rubbing herself harder. I held her up a little before slamming her back down and bucking my hips up. She opened her mouth to moan but nothing came out. Each thrust got harder. She start stumbling on words and was just speaking gibberish while her eyes were rolled in the back of her head. "Cum." I said before shooting my load into her. She squirted and came all over me. I watched her clear liquids and my white liquids trickle down my dick. I pulled her off me and sat her down beside me. "That, was amazing." I heard her say as she laughed. "Yes it was." I said agreeing with her.

^*+not proofread+*^

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