𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚢𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
I was sitting in a seat in the cafeteria all alone. I seen people sitting together at their own tables having conversation. How can people do that? Have conversation with one another without feeling the need to leave. Last time I had conversation with another person was to show them that I will never, ever, give a fuck about anyone other than the one that birthed me. His name was Micheal. We were once in a relationship but, things didn't end up well.

Flashback like a snapback backpack
"STOKELEY" I heard Micheal shout. "Yes?" I asked. "Who the hell is Isaiah?!" He asked me as his voice got louder, indicating that he was getting closer to me. "He's a boy I'm working on a project with." I simply said going back to doing my math homework. "Didn't I tell you to ask the teacher for a girl partner?!" He yelled again. "Yes, but he said no so what the fuck was I supposed to do?" I asked turning around to face him."You not finna keep disrespecting me Stokes." He said angrily as he walked up to me. "You know what, fuck you Miche-" I was cut off by a harsh slap across my face.

"I fucking said you gonna stop that shit so since you don't know how to listen, I'm finna show you something." He said as I laid on the ground, holding my right cheek. He kicked my side 5 times before yanking my hair so I could look at him. "Fuck me, right Stokes. Ain't that what you said?" He rhetorically asked me. He punched my face 4 times, causing my nose to start bleeding. "Mic-Micheal please. STOP HITTING ME." I yelled.

He slowly let go of my hair. I sighed in relief as he stood up. He smiled deviously before saying "I'm sorry babe. Let me help you up." He picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. "It's ok baby. I forgive you." I said while smiling at him. He tossed me on the bed before going to the dresser. "Ow Mikey, that hurt." I said while rubbing my side. "It'll be better soon." He said while rummaging through his drawers. I heard him mumbled something but I couldn't make it out. "I thought you were gonna help me Mikey." I said confused. "I am Stokeley. Hold on."

He came back to the bed and stood at the foot of the bed. He pulled down his pants and boxers. "Um... What you doing?" I asked while sitting up. "Lay the fuck back down Stokeley." He said as he tore a condom open with his mouth. Tears started streaming down my cheeks as I scooted backwards. "You said you would wait for me. Please, I don't want to. Please wait until I'm ready." I pleaded. "I've waited to long Stokes." He said as he reached over the bed, pulling me by my ankles so my vagina, which he didn't know about, was on his dick.

He yanked my pants and panties down and seen my vagina. "This is gonna be fun." He said while hungrily looking at my flower. "Please Micheal." I pleaded as the tears fell harder. He positioned his tip at my entrance before slowly pushing in. "MICHEAL. Y-You said you lov-loved me." I screamed as he pushed in more.
Flashback over like a snack on a hover

That's never leaving my mind. He abused me, used me, mislead me, broke me, and embarrassed me. I will never forget him. No one believed me when I said he raped me, not even my own ex-bestfriend. I will never trust or love another like I loved him. I was down for him. But I guess he wasn't for me. He said he loved me, but then he embarrassed me by going around the school saying I had a vagina instead of a penis. Of course everyone believed him since he was the most popular kid in school.

It was hard going to school everyday with people throwing paper balls at you and once you opened them they had the word 'slut' in them, having pads and tampons fall out of your locker when you opened them, have girls throw rainbow dildos at you, people treating you as an outcast when you got raped. No one believed me and everyone left me. I felt so betrayed. All my friends turned into my bullies. Everyone said they would stay with me no matter what happened. I guess they lied just like Micheal.

The bell rung, specifying that lunch was over. I got up and grabbed my tray to throw it away while leaving. Once I got done with that, I walked out of the cafeteria and started walking to class. I heard footsteps of a group behind me, but decided not looking. "Isn't that Micheals ex?"


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