𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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𝙹𝚊𝚑𝚜𝚎𝚑𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
It's been 1 week since I started working at Dominos and it's been good. Me and Jen talk and I got her number so that's good. I haven't seen that boy for the whole week so I don't know what happened but I don't really care to look into it cause he got on my nerves. Anyways, I was working at this register and some white lady with 2 little boys walks up to the register. "Hello, welcome to Dominos. How may I help you?" I asked in a monotone voice.

She took her AirPods out quickly and said "Could do be nicer to me?" "Bitch, I'm not finna do shit. Now what the fuck you want?" I said starting to get angry. Shit, she nobody to be telling me how the fuck I handle myself. She gasped dramatically causing me to roll my eyes. "Don't speak that foul language with my children right here." That pushed me. I started yelling at this Karen looking ass bitch. "BITCH, YOU GONNA STOP TELLING ME WHAT THE FUCK TO DO!" I yelled. She teared up then wiped her tears. She grabbed a lipstick out her bag and tried throwing it at my face. I seen Jenesis watching me intensely while standing on the sidelines as I dodged it. "I ain't never gonna hit a bitch but that don't mean I can't throw shit." I said before grabbing the plastic napkin holder and chucking it at her face causing it to go *BOINK* right off her forehead.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" She dramatically yelled before grabbing her kids hands while saying "I'm never coming back here again." on the verge of crying. "Good, ugly ass bitch." I said watching her walk out. I turned around to see Jenesis holding onto her knees for support while dying of laughter. I walked over to her and pushed her, causing her to fall. She was still laughing which caused me to start laughing too. Her laughter is so contagious.


It was 10pm which means it's time for me and Jen to clock out. "Aye Jen, you wanna come over my place?" I asked her hoping she'd say yes. "Sure." She said grabbing her Gucci purse. We walked out the store and I led us to my car. I opened her door for her because I'm a gentleman. "Well thank you." She said with a genuine voice. "No problem." I said while she got into tho car. I shut her door and walked over to the drivers side.

|Sᴋɪᴘ Rɪᴅᴇ|

We were sitting on my couch in my living talking about ourselves while drinking red wine. I told her about my mom not letting me see Aiden and she told me about her having to drop out of school so she can provide her family with money. Now we're laughing at each other for no reason. We were sitting beside each other and I started rubbing her thigh. She looked at me while I rubbed her thigh. She stood up and put both of her knees on either side of my legs and sat down. I started rubbing her ass causing her to throw her head back as she started grinding on me. She done woke up Lil Jah. She leaned down and started kissing me. I kissed back immediately. After a minute, we pulled away. I licked my lips before going back in to kiss her.

I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance, which she accepted. Our tongues collided with one another which felt amazing. They kept overlapping and fighting for dominance, which I obviously won. By now, I was fully hard and Jenesis was still grinding on me. I bucked my hips up, causing her to feel my erection. She moaned loudly. I unbuttoned my pants as she unbuttoned hers. I slipped my hands in her pants and purple lace panties to rub her ass. I started caressing both of her cheeks with both of my hands as she took my shirt off. Once she took off my shirt, she took hers off too.

She threw hers on the floor and started giving me hickies on my neck and chest. I groaned in pleasure and squeezed her cheeks, causing her to moan again. I made her lean back a little then started giving her hickies on her neck. I took my hands out her pants to unbuckle her bra. When it was unbuckled, I slowly slid the straps off her arms then threw it across the room. I massaged one of her breasts in one hand then put my other hand on her back. I licked her nipple on the boob that was not occupied. "Jah-seh" She said breathlessly.

"Yea lil baby?" I said, still massaging her breast in one hand and giving the other one kitty licks. "Pleaseeee, fuck me." She said breathing hard. "Ight." I said flipping us over.



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