𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚢𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟

"You like this shit, huh?" Jahseh asked me as he pounded into me with no remorse. "I love it daddy!" I screamed. He pounded into me like his life depended on it. "This my pussy?" He asked, reaching down to rub my clit. It was too much.

"It's t-too muc-ch." I whined. I put my hand on his abs before he smacked my hand away. "Don't fucking touch me." He scolded me. "Please Daddy." I whined. His strokes got slow and deep. "Oh my gosh." I squealed. He looked at me before stroking at an animalistic pace. I grabbed the bed sheets so hard, my knuckles turned white.

My eyes rolled back into my head and I began shaking. "Oh fuck." Jahseh groaned below his breath. He pinned both of my arms down with both of his hands. He looked down on me as his strokes turned into grinds. "I make you feel good, right?" He asked me while caressing my face. "Y-Yes!" I exclaimed. "Good." He replied.

🌙✨Dream Over✨🌙

I woke up with sweat dripping down my face. My chest heaved up and down, I shifted because I felt uncomfortable. I slept without any pants on so there was liquid running down my chocolate colored thighs. I put my hand on my crotch area which caused me to let out a moan. "Why am I so sensitive?" I asked myself. I look down to see a big wet spot in my lavender colored panties.

The moonlight shone through the window, onto me and Jahseh. I looked at the cable box to see that it was 3:36AM. I just had a wet dream about Jahseh and it felt so realistic. I slowly got up and out of Jahsehs grasp. I waddled to one of my drawers and grabbed a pair of boyshorts. I waddled to my bathroom and took my panties off. I looked down to see clear-white fluid on the crotch area of my underwear.

I changed and walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to my bed to go back to sleep with Jahseh.

gOod mORnIng aHaHA

I woke up in my bed by myself. That fat bitch left me. I sat up and seen Jahseh walk out of the bathroom. "Stokeley?" Jahseh said, trying to get my attention. "Yes?" I answered. "I think you... forgot something in the bathroom." He told me. I thought back and then realized it. I left my cum-stained panties in the bathroom. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I wasn't doing anything nasty I just had a dream." I told him in honesty. "About me?" He asked. I sighed before replying with a soft 'yes'.

He smiled and came to hug me. "I picked you up some breakfast from IHOP and your mom told me to tell you she loves you." He told me. I nodded before standing up and we walked downstairs. We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed my chocolate chip pancakes off of the counter. We went into the living room to sit down and eat.

"Stokeley, my mom said I could pick up Aiden today. She said if I don't pick him up on time then I'll have to wait until Christmas to see him. Do you wanna come with me to get him?" Jahseh said. "Yea. But why would you have to wait until Christmas to see him?" I questioned. "My mom doesn't like me. I think she loves me or she at least used to." He said while looking down. "Aww, it's ok baby. I love you." I assured him. He smiled softly towards me before standing up. I still didn't have on any pants on so I ran upstairs to put on some pajama pants and my slides.

𝙹𝚊𝚑𝚜𝚎𝚑𝚜 𝚙.𝚘.𝚟
I watched him run up the stairs and into his room. I couldn't help but notice the way his ass jiggled in those boyshorts. I need to chill. I grabbed my keys off of his glass table and waited for him at the bottom of the steps. He rushed out of his room and ran down the stairs, almost tripping because his slides. We walked out the house and got in the car.

Skip Drive

I walked up to my moms door. Memories flew through my head. I wish she would show me she loved me. What did I do to deserve this? My thoughts were cut short when I heard Aiden yell, "Mommy, someone at the door." I heard her shout back, "Answer it." Me and Stokeley waited. Someone opened the door slowly. I looked down to see Aiden with the brightest smile on his face. "Seh Seh!" He shouted in excitement.

"Hey bubba." I said before getting on my knees and tightly hugging him. "I missed you so much. Why you leave us?" He asked. "I didn't leave willingly, I was told to leave." I told him. He nodded before giving me another hug. I looked over to see Stokeley. He looked like he was damn near ready to cry. "What's wrong?" I asked him worried. "Y'all are so adorable." He said in a shaky voice. My mom came to the door and looked at Stokeley sideways. I didn't like that shit at all.

I snatched Aidens bag out of her hand and grabbed Stokeleys hand before kissing him. My mom was pretty homophobic. She stood there with a face of disgust. I held onto Stokeleys hand with one hand, carried Aiden in my arm, and carried his back in my other hand. "Bring him back on Wednesday." She said. We were about to turn around before she whispered 'faggot'.

I just ignored it and kept walking. I put Aiden in the backseat then put his bag beside him. Stokeley went to his side of the car and I went to mine. We got in and I started driving while Stokeley and Aiden talked. I can't wait to have some kids with my Stokeley Pokeley.

^*+not proofread+*^
A/N: I'm tho irrethponthible. Thorry😔

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