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Scarlett's POV
I walk into the woods crying.
I wasn't one to break promises. My feelings got the best of me.
Im better though, it's just an old habit trying to make its way up.
I hear footsteps behind me but I don't dare to turn around.
I don't care who it is, I don't want them to see me like this.
"Scarlett?" A way to familiar soft voice says.
I stop and turn around.
"Noen not now. Go back." I say wiping my tears.
"No, what's wrong?" He says getting closer.
I'm drawn to him, I try hard to not move at all.
"I'm sorry." I say in a low whisper.
"What for?" Hes arms length from me at this point.
"I didn't mean too." My voice cracks and tears begin streaming down my face.
"What happened Scarlett." He says embracing me and craddling my head on his shoulder.
I cry into his shoulder. He runs his fingers through my hair while I continue crying.
I soon can barely stand on my own and I shift all my wait onto him. He doesn't seem to mind and keeps me upright.
Once I finally calm down. I realize I can't bring myself to tell him. I don't wanna leave his embrace.
I've never felt more safe than I do right now.
I slowly pull myself away and wipe my tears with my sleeve.
"I got your shirt wet." I slightly laugh noticing the spot where I had just been.
"It'll dry. What happened though?" He says.
"Nothing, it was something small. I over reacted." I say lying straight through my teeth.
"Are you sure?" He looks my sincerely in my eyes. It takes me everything to not admit to what I did.
"Yeah, let's go back to the camp." I say sort of shoving him back towards the camp direction. He turns around, grabbing my wrist as he does so. I flinch and pull my arm down to my said. He looks at me weird before continuing back to the camp.
Upon arriving we see Lyra and Mason making out.
"Aw disgusting. I thought you said you didn't like her like that." Noen says when he spots them.
They immediately fly apart. Mason falls backwards.
Noen and I laugh.
"Are you okay Scar?" Lyra asks me.
"Yeah I'm good just needed some fresher air." I say looking at Noen. Lyra looks at the two of us with a curious look. I shake my head no.
"I'm hungry." Noen says changing the topic.
I nod. "Same."
Mason gets up and starts handing out the food we brought.
We spend the rest of the night playing and mostly eating. We made s'mores and did weird food combinations.
"Im gonna head to sleep." I say going towards the tent.
"Yeah same." Noen said. Lyra and Mason stayed out as we went in.
I flopped down towards one side of the tent.
I hug my knees. It's colder than I expected it to be.
"Hey Noen." I whisper.
"Yeah what's up." He whispers back.
"Want to cuddle?" I ask, quickly adding. "I forgot a thicker sweater and now it's cold I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." I spit out.
"Slow down. Yeah I don't mind." He laughs a little. I smile. "Friends cuddle, it's not weird." He said.
I feel a slight jab in my heart at the mention of friend but I dismiss it as him not referring to me as best friends.
"I thought we were best friends." I say softly as he shifts closer and wraps his arms around me. His hand landing on my wrist again. I move it back and slightly wince in pain.
"Shit sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. But yeah I guess we could be bestfriends." He says. I turn myself around to face him.
Our eyes meet with the slight moonlight entering through the top of the tent. We stare into each others eyes for a second.
"Wow you have pretty eyes." I say. I immediately redden up.
He laughs. "Thanks I get that a lot." He says.
"Goodnight." I whisper as I burrow my head into his chest, allowing his warmth to push me to sleep.
"Goodnight." He says adjusting his arm around me.
I feel safe in his arms. As if nothing could hurt me right now, not even my own nightmares.
I fall asleep.

I didn't address this earlier but it's currently a Sunday & they don't have school the next day hence why they went camping. it's also like the second week of december 2018.

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