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Scars's POV
After we left, Noen texted me his hotel address and Lyra and I headed over.
"Lyra I have to tell you something." I say as we enter the hotel elevator. She presses the button for the 7th floor.
"Go ahead." She says turning to me.
I don't know how to say it but I need someone to know.
"I think I'm pregnant." I say and automatically drop my gaze down.
She doesn't say anything nor does she move. I look up at her.
"I could tell." She says and reaches over to hug me.
We hug as we ascend to the 7th floor. "I'll always be here for you Scar." She says as we pull apart and exit the elevator.
We walk to room 702 and knock on the door.
We hear laughter and the door opens a moment later.
I'm standing behind Lyra and she's greeted by Griffin.
"Yes? Who are you?" He says. I hear shuffling behind Griffin as I poke my head from behind Lyra. "You're Scarlett right?" He says looking at me.
I meet his eyes.
"Dude just let them in. That's Lyra." Noen says as he shoves past Griffin.
"Hey Scar, Ly." We both hug him and enter.
Anthony, Chase H. and Chris are sitting on the same bed. Chase Keith, Payton and Yewsif on the other bed. Noen sits down on the sofa and I sit next to him. Lyra takes the floor.
They're all talking and don't seem to notice us entering.
"You're Scarlett right? Noen talks about you so much." Chase says to me, looking at me.
Everyone looks at me.
"Yeah I am." I feel myself blush. "This is my bestfriend Lyra." I say pointing at her.
"May I ask, where's Jaden?" She says when they all say hey to her.
"Someone asking about me." Jaden says exiting the bathroom.
"Word. Her." Griffin points at Lyra. I look at her and she's turning red.
"I fucking love you dude." She says getting up and extending her hand for a fist bump.
I facepalm. She's so vocal.
"You're cute." He says fist bumping her. "Didn't know you knew such cute girls Noen." Jaden looks at Noen then me.
"We should do something." Chris says. Everyone agrees.
"Like what?" Payton asks.
"We could play a game." Chase Keith says.
"Or walk around and take pictures." Chase H says.
"Walk around." Jaden says. Everyone else agrees.
"Alright lets go." Griffin gets up. Everyone follows. Lyra flies to Jadens side. Noen and I drift to the back of the group.
"Think we can sneak away and go to a convenience store?" I say in a low voice.
Noen nods and grabs my hand. We stay with the group as we exit the hotel. Once I spot a store, I nudge at Noens hand and we sneak away as we pass by it.
"They'll text us if they need us." Noen tells me holding up his phone.
He heads off to the chips aisle while I look around for what I need.
I want answers.
I spot it and grab two. Heading automatically to pay before Noen sees me.
I'm not ready for him to know yet and I'm not even sure if I'm pregnant.
I don't know what I'd do if I was.
The cashier looks at me odd as she scans it.
I grab a random bag of candy and buy it.
I pay and stuff the tests in my purse while keeping the candy in the bag.
Noen comes up to pay as I move towards the front.
"You ready?" He asks me. I nod.
"I think I'm just gonna get an uber and go to my hotel. I don't feel well." I lie.
"I'll take you?" He offers.
"It's fine. Just wait with me?" We walk outside as I get an Uber.
We spend the next few minutes catching up as we waited for my uber. When it got her I said goodbye, hugged him and got in. I texted Lyra telling her I went back to the hotel and she never answered.
I get to the hotel and went straight to my room. I texted Noen saying I arrived.
I go to the bathroom and take the test.
I wait for the results.

y'all bout to be real mad 😐

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