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Noens POV
Week later, airport.
"She said she'd meet me here?" I said to Lyra, she met up with me here as my family dropped me off and she wanted to say goodbye to both Scar and I.

"You don't think she's gonna pull a no-show?" Lyra shows me the texts she's sent Scar. "Maybe shes stuck in traffic?"

"I knew I should've insisted to pick her up with my family, there would've been enough space." I try calling her again. No response.

"It's okay, she'll show up, Scar wouldn't throw everything away after all you've been through with her." Lyra placed her hand on my shoulder.

There's 10 minutes before I should most definitely be at least going through security or else I'll miss my flight.

We wait another 5 minutes of intensely trying to contact Scar or her parents, nothing at all.

"It's like they're purposely ignoring us." I turn to Lyra, the security line is increasingly getting longer at a faster rate.

"You need to go Noen." Lyra nudges me. "I know that girl and I know that she loves you, she'll be on the next flight."

"How do we know that, what happened at the beginning of the school year really shows we both don't know her at all." I really don't want to leave Scar here, I really want a life with her out in LA.

"Chase your dreams Noen, Scar always supported you, she could've easily slept thru her alarms." Lyra reaches out for a hug, I take it.

"I hope your right, do good in college." I smile at her, she's become like a sister to me. "I'm sure as hell going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Don't forget me when you're famous." We both laugh.

"You'll probably become more famous than me within the next year." I give her one last smile and turn to go towards the security line.

I go through the security and do one last look around at all the entrances too see if I see Scar anywhere, Lyra catches my eye and frowns, I give a slight smile and turn and enter pass security.

"You're overthinking it Noen, you guys are still together, she probably just doesn't want to move." I whisper too myself once I pass the majority of the people.

This airport is huge so it takes me awhile to get to my terminal, once I do, I get there with at least 10 minutes before boarding and sit down, deciding to check my phone.

"A text from Scar?" I say to myself, before quickly looking up for her.

I open the text message and read it.

I feel my insides shatter. It takes everything to not just want to break down and cry right here, yet I have no one too comfort me.

'im sorry for wasting your time & money'

I get a venmo of the amount I payed for the plane ticket from Scar.

'does this mean we're done?' I text her, I really don't want to know as the last year with her has been the best and most interesting, even better when we were dating.

She brings me a crazy amount of good luck and happiness.

'i guess it does' She answers immediately.

I turn off my phone before answering her and just sit down and wait in silence, holding back my tears, trying to lighten my mood as much as possible until the flight attendant calls for boarding.

You're moving to California Noen, it's a completely new chapter in your life with new characters and all that.

I sit down in my seat in the plane and turn to look out the window, covering my face with my jacket as I let a few tears fall down before wiping them off quickly.

Moving across the country is hard, but doing it all by yourself is even harder.

A while after the plane takes off, I feel my eyelids starting to become heavy and give into the sleep that's calling for me. It's the only thing to comfort how shitty I feel.


I arrive at the Airbnb I'm staying at for the next few days and decide to go through my messages, I've been ignoring some.

I answer Lyra's first.

L: did scar ever make it to the airport?
L: i went to her house when i left and she wasn't there.
L: her parents say she was heading towards the airport
L: is she with you??
N: we broke up..
N: she texted me apologizing for wasting my time and sent me the money for the plane ticket /:
L: where the fuck did she go then
L: maybe she was just joking, she could've been on the next flight to LA and wanted to pay for her own ticket
N: i doubt it

I answer a few others and then check on Instagram. I go to her page to see if she still has pictures of us up. Deactivated?

I text Lyra again.

N: her account on instagram is deactivated
L: she hasn't answered any of my texts or snaps, i think she's logged out
N: whatever it isn't my problem to worry about, just let me know if you find out anything
L: kk

I go back onto Instagram and archive the pictures I posted of the two of us.

I really never hoped I would have to do this, I fucking love her.

I can't bare looking at any of our pictures now so I leave deleting them for later.

I leave the Airbnb to go meet up with Chase, at least I'll see a friendly face today, all this will blow over eventually I just need time.

But right now, I miss holding her hand.

that's it. that's the end ):
i really enjoyed writing this story so fucking much even if i was extremely unmotivated at some parts.
i'll try dropping an epilogue sometime soon & that'll be the end for this for right now.
thank you so much for 100k reads, 100 followers, all that jazz, the past two months with this book has been fucking amazing & the amount of love & interactions it has gotten is crazy, i love every single one of y'all. mwah.

ps. just know, scar & noens story isn't over (:

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