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Noens POV
The next day at school. I'm quiet as I hang with my friends.
I cant stop thinking about Scar. Did I go to far telling her that I loved her.
But it's my genuine feeling and I can't keep trying to hide it from her.
She let me see a side of her she never let anyone see before.
I wasn't telling her I loved her because of the lust I felt.
For the past couple of months I've been falling in love with her. Growing steadily since the day we kissed.
I really cared about her and hate the fact she still continues to cut.
She tells everyone she's fine but goes behind our backs and hurts herself.
The bell rings interrupting my thoughts.
There's a test in history today.
I go to class in sit down in my seat. Scar and Lyra enter together.
I make eye contact with Scar but she looks away. They sit down in their seats next to me.
"Goodmorning Noen." Lyra says to me.
"Morning Lyra." I say back. "G-goodmorning Scar." I say and almost slap myself for being an idiot.
"Morning." She mumbles back.
Lyra looks at me. 'What's up'. She mouths.
I grab a pen and a piece of paper and tell her that I told Scar I loved her and she freaked out.
Lyra writes back saying she likes me too but freaked out because she feels bad not knowing if she loves me too.
The teacher begins talking before I can write anything else. We do our tests and the whole time I think of things to say to Scar to apologize for rushing.
The school day goes by quickly. I sat with my friends at lunch. I was leaving the school when Scar stopped me.
"I'm sorry Noen. I shouldn't have freaked out. It's just I don't understand why you could love me when I'm such a mess at times and never even know what I want." She says to me.
"Scar, I love you because you allowed me to see every part of you, even the bad ones. I fell in love with your personality, even the bad parts. I accept you as the person you are. For the past couple of months you've meant everything to me." I say to her. "Apology accepted though."
She hugs me. I hug her back. We stay there for what feels like an enterity before pulling away.
"I may not love you right now. But once I learn to love myself I'll learn to love you too." She's as she pulls away.
"I'll be waiting for you until then." I say. She turns to go.
"But for now-" She says turning back around. Her lips coming crashing into mine.
I missed how soft they felt. She kissed me with such passion I craved more when she pulled away and smirked. She walks away.
"I like the pink, it suits your hair." She says as she heads towards the doors.
I smirk.
"One day, you'll be mine and I'll be yours. I'll do everything to make you happy." I say under my breath as she exits the school.
I leave too and drive home.
One more week of school then summer break. I can't wait for everything the summer has to offer and spending every single day with Scar is such a plus.
I have big plans from my social media career and I plan on introducing Scar to it and helping her blow up.
I drive home with a smile on my face.
When I get home and enter my room, I stare at my bed remembering what had happened there just the morning before.
Everything feels like it has changed since. It feels as if it didn't actually happen honestly.
I get on my phone and record TikToks to post.
I then go live and spend the time after that talking to my TikTok friends.
I go to sleep around midnight, sending Scar a goodnight text.
I fall asleep before she answers.

this chapter is super rushed & short because it's like 1am & i really have to go to sleep. i'll write something better in the morning
also thank you for 3k reads wtf
& read my new story 'tour' whew

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