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Scar's POV
                               *Time Skip: July 25th*
Today's Lyra's and mines last day in Hawaii. We planned in secret to go to straight to Texas and stay with Noen on his last few days of tour then going back to Georgia with him before he leaves for Europe.
I spent the whole day after he left with Jillian and made the excuse that my parents wanted me at meetings the whole day to Lyra.
Lyra helped me dye my hair that night too a blue. It started fading recently so we re-dyed it yesterday.
Lyra and I plan on showing up at the Houston meet and greet without Noen knowing to surprise him. It's also my birthday tomorrow.
"Tomorrow's gonna be the day." Lyra says. Interrupting me from my thoughts. "If it isn't, I myself give up on love."
I look at her. "What why?"
"If you and Noen dont go official tomorrow, then I know Ill never find love if you two can't even get together." She dramarically puts a hand on her head and collapses onto her bed.
I laugh. "You're a special snowflake Ly."
"Thank you." She laughs too.
"Tomorrow would be the least ideal time to start dating." I say thinking about the situation. "First, he's on tour, at a meet and greet, surrounded by his fans and other people, that's too public for me. Second, we spend what, 4 days? 5 days together? Then he leaves for two weeks to Europe. It's just too much with not enough time." I pause and suck up a breath. "I don't even know where my feelings for him lay. I just need more time."
"You keep saying you need more time. Aren't you scared one day he's going to wake up and just. Move on." She sits up, propping herself on one elbow.
"If that happens, he never loved me too begin with so why should I care." I close my suitcase and set it on the floor. "I'm ready to go."
"Yeah. Same." She grabs her suitcase and phone and we do one last check of the room to make sure we aren't leaving anything.
"Scar, have you been feeling well? You've been throwing up every single time you wake up for the past few weeks." Lyra questions as she turns off the lights of the bathroom.
"Yeah, I guess I just have a stomach virus or something." I shrug of the possibility of anything more. "Wait actually I have to pee before we leave hold on." I move past her into the bathroom, shutting the door.
I sit down on the toilet and check my underwear.
No period yet.
I begin to slightly worry.
I pee, flush then wash my hands.
I leave the bathroom, get my stuff and we leave the hotel.
We take a taxi to the airport. I admire the beautiful blues and greens of the Hawaiian beaches.
I'm sure gonna miss this place.
School is so close and I'm not excited for my senior year at all.
When we arrive at the airport, Noen facetimes me.
I answer.
S: "Hey noen." I wave and smile.
N: "You two heading home now?" He says looking at the background. I notice he's on the bus still.
S: "Yeah. You still driving from Atlanta?"
N: "Sadly. We actually entered Texas not too long ago. We're making a pit stop so I chanced my luck at calling you while the bus is quiet."
L: "Hi Noen!" Lyra says pointing her phone at me and waving aggressively.
N: "Lyra hey. I was just about to ask for you." He aggressively waves back too.
They both laugh.
L: "Yeah sure you were." She let's go of my phone and I point back at myself.
S: "We got to go, our plane will be boarding soon. I'll text you the moment we get off?" I look at a clock for the time.
It's currently 1pm, the flight is about 8 hours long and due to the 5 hour time zone difference, when we land it'll be 2:30am ish in Houston.
The jet lag on the first day killed us even though it wasn't so bad.
At around 1:15 they start boarding and we leave by 1:33.
Lyra passes out a few minutes after we take off but I can't just help but feel guilty about seeing Noen in less then 24 hours and what I had done with Jillian.
I rub my stomach.
If I'm pregnant, I wouldn't know how to tell Noen either.
Would I even keep the baby? I'm not ready for one.
I never saw myself wanting to have children.
I look out the window and let tears flow free as I stare back at my last bit of serenity that I'll be leaving in Hawaii.
Everything is just gonna go downhill from here.

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